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Drebo POV

I bit my lip, holding back my tears as Lucas broke down. He sat on the ground, with Cyn in his lap as she just laid there.

Peanut was still covering her wound, just starring at her while June had lost it. He rocked her back and forth, cradling her close to him. Her body was limp, her hands had fallen to her side as he rested her head carefully on his shoulder.

Kason: fuck.." he cried placing his hands on the top of his head.

I wiped my eyes as I stepped over everyone. Coming over to Lucas he sobbed into her hair as I kneeled down infront of him.

Me:..Lee." I said over his crying. He ignored me as he continued to rock her back and forth.

Me: Lucas..we gotta get out of here." I tried again. He laid his face against hers as he stared at the ground. His tears fell down his face and onto the ground as he wouldn't let her go.

Me: I know this shit hurt, I know." I said as he cried some more.

Me: but we can't stay here, we have to move her." I pressed again. He didn't move, and looking at Cyn's brothers they were in no shape to help me move him.

Me: Sam, Draco." I called over. They were the closest to me as we kneeled back over Lucas.

Sam: Geo is on the phone with Roncia. If we get her home she can help, but Lucas we gotta go!" he said more sternly.

He gripped her tighter as he looked down at her face. Kissing her cheeks he rubbed down her hair with his blood stained hands.

Draco: Lucas come man." he said, reaching down. He grabbed Cyn's hand, pissing him off. He grabbed his gun and pointed it at Draco, taking the safety off.

Me:...back off Draco." I said slowly. He slowly put Cyn's hand down as Lucas continued to point his gun at him. He backed away, walking away slowly as Lucas lowered his gun. Putting his gun down, he went back to kissing Cyn on the lips a few times.

Me: Lucas, Ronica can help. You gotta get up." I pleaded with him.

Lucas:..she's cold bro.." he sobbed looking at her.

Me: aight Lucas, listen to me, you need to get up and get her in the car-."

Lucas: nah man she's dead, aint not fucking point!" he yelled at me.

Me: So you gone give up on her then-."

Lucas: watch it." he growled holding her.

Me: that's what you doing, you sitting here not getting up. Not getting her in the car. Ronica said she can help and you wanna sit here and cry about it." I snapped. He looked at me, infruitated as he rubbed Cyn's lifeless face.

Me: Lucas. We don't have much time." he said. He gritted his jawline as he looked down at his wife. He nodded his head as snaked his arms under her leg.

Sam helped him to his feet as he carried Cyn quickly to the car. I turned to look for my other brother, but he was long gone.

Me: where's June?" I said looking into the woods. There was no sign of him as everyone began to pile into the vans.

Sam: I don't know but we need to go Dre." he said pulling me. I looked as Peanut, Geo, Santo and Roderick grabbed June's gun and ran in the direction he went in.

Kenny and Serg, hopped into the vans and I gritted my teeth as I hopped into the van leaving them to go and find June.

Roncia POV

Seven: how bad is she!" she yelled as I ran around setting up.

Me: I don't know they said she was hurt bad!" I yelled back as I ran upstairs.

Resolution: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now