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Craig POV

I came to, as the restraints around my wrist were cold against my warm skin. Looking up, I winced as my ribs screamed at me.

Niles: about time.." he groaned as I looked up at him. We were all chained up as I looked around this room. Deja Vu hit me, as I started to recognize this room, it was more built in the last time I saw it, blood stains remained on the floor almost as if they were left there on purpose.

I rested my head back as my knee started to catch on fire, looking down at it I winced again at the gapping hole left in my pants.

Rahjiq: we need to find a way out of here." he said. He stood, dragging his chains up the pole he was chained to. He looked around the room eagerly as the rest of the guys stood up.

Niles: if one of you can get unhooked or sum, you could help us out." he said trying to yank at his chains.

I shook my head at these idiots, this was a steel cut, built down, metal fort of a room. There was no one way out, no one way to break out besides that metal door at the front of the room.

Me: y'all might as well sit down..we ain't gettin out." I mumbled.

Rahjig: shit you might not be with that fucked up leg, but we gone find a way out." he snapped.

Me: ain't no way."  I repeated.

Niles: how would you know, you ain't even looking." he speculated.

Me:.. I was here when they built this room. O specifically made it impossible for anyone break in, or break out." I mumbled.

Me: this very room is steel based, and the only way out is that door." I pointed. They quieted down as I had shot their hopes and dreams out the sky.

Me:..were fucked." I blurted as they sat down. We sat in silence again, as I did my best to straighten my leg. You could hear a pin drop as the sounds of multiple footsteps came to the room.

Bracing myself, I sat up as the door opened and June was the first one to walk in. They came in all together and I froze as Lucas came in last. He grinned maliciously as he read the amazement on my face that he was still alive.

He was shirtless, and I could see where my stab wound had hit him. Other then that he was better, the only thing left was the small gash above his eye. The rest of his brothers stepped back, and sat down as he stood in the middle of the room. He pulled a blunt from his ear and lit the end of it as we sat in silence. We watched as he sucked in, and blew the smoke out.

Lucas: I only got one question." he said, placing his lighter in his pocket.

Lucas: My daughter came back with a scratch on her pretty face and I just wanna know who did it?" he said leaving the blunt between his lips. He stuffed his hands in his pocket as none of us said anything.

He looked at us carefully as he balanced his blunt in his mouth. He shook his head and looked down between his feet as he took his blunt out of his mouth. He held the blunt carefully as he used his other hand to pull his gun from his belt loop.

Lucas: My daughter. Came back with a scratch on her face. Who, did it?" he snarled.

He looked back at us, scanning us carefully. He stopped at Liam who was anxiously standing in the corner. You could tell by his face that he was nervous, and at any given moment he would spill everything he knew.

Lucas easily picked up on it, as he walked over to him slowly. He got close to Liam, as Liam shied away from his dangerous demeanor.

Lucas: you look like you talk." he pressed as Liam shook.

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