Copy Cat 😼

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Will POV

Me: stay safe bobby." I laughed as he stumbled away. I rolled up my window and looked at the list crossing his name out. I smiled to myself as I realized he was the last one on the list.

I was done for the day and I quickly put the car in drive and headed to the house. I smiled as I had seen Olivia's car in the garage. Heading inside, I quickly made my way upstairs to the sound of music and the smell of warm vanilla.

I smiled as I saw her in the mirror relaxing as she listened to music in the tub. Going to the speaker I calmly turned it down making her slowly open her eyes.

Me: hey gorgeous." I smiled as she smiled at me.

Olivia: who said you can touch my music sir." she teased as I came into the bathroom.

Me: no need to tell me what to do." I joked back. She laughed and leaned on the edge as I sat on the toilet.

Me: mmm, how about your fine ass slip out the bath and let me do something to you." I joked. She laughed and shook her head.

Olivia: always have something nasty to say." she giggled.

Oliva: but I wanted to talk to you about something." she said batting her pretty eyelashes. I sighed deeply as I knew she was going to ask me for something.

Me: what you want spoiled girl." I pressed.

Olivia: well, I wanna start a business."

Me: okay what kind?"

Olivia: a clothing store. Like Cyn's." she said, making me frown.

Me: why you using Cyn as an example?" I frowned.

Olivia: I mean she's the only person I could think of to get a good example." she shrugged.

Olivia: I just want a clothing store like that."

Me: well that requires for you to be able to create clothings and shit."

Oliva: trust me babe, I've already started sketching." she smiled.

Me: well okay then baby, so what you asking me then?"

Olivia: can you buy the store for me pleasee?" she begged.

Me: Liv.."

Olivia: oh baby please! You and Case can split it. Like Lucas and June did for Cyn." she pressed again. I frowned harder as she brought up Cyn again.

Me: what is with you and that girl?" I snapped.

Olivia: n-nothing babe, I just was trying to relate." she said, quieting down. I sighed small as she shied away from me. really wanna do this?" I asked.

Olivia: yes baby, it'll give me something to do, and it will take my mind off of you guys business. I can finally have some business to myself to own." she said.

Me:.aight show me yo sketches and I'll talk to yo brother." I said. She smiled small and clapped her hands like the spoiled brat she is.

Me: anything else princess?"

Olivia: that it's daddy." she cooed.

Me: mhmm." I mumbled as the door knocked.

Me: get some clothes on lil mama." I said as I headed down to the door.

Kejuan POV

I hid the envelope under my books as I heard him come to the front door.

Will: wassup bro." he said opening the door for me.

Me: what's up man." I said coming in.

Olivia: babe who is it?" she said coming out with just a robe on. I quickly looked away as she smiled at me.

Will: girl find yo ass back to the room!" he snapped making her laugh and disappear.

Will: you better not have been looking either boy." he nudged as we walked to the living room."

Me: nah man, I looked away." I laughed.

Will: better have or I'd knock you out." he said.

Will: so what brings you by?" he said going into the kitchen with me to follow.

Me: I wanted to see if I could get my homework done here and just chill with you." I lied.

Will: yea of course. Set yo stuff up in the kitchen and I'll grab you some food." he said. I nodded and waited as he disappeared into the pantry.

Will: shit, we ain't got no food. You wanna order something?"

Me: yeah, pizza's cool.." I shrugged.

Will: aight hang tight, I gotta go get my phone." he said racing upstairs.

I watched as he walked into the room carefully before quickly looking for a spot to slip the envelope. I rushed around quickly and finally stopped at his book stand that laid under the TV. Sliding it out, I carefully slid the envelope in the small slit and backed away just as Will was coming downstairs.

Will: aight what you want?" he said coming into the kitchen as I quickly sat in my seat.

Me: cheese would be fine for me." I said eyeing the envelope. I had slid it back enough so that he wouldn't be able to see it at first glance. I didn't want to be here when he opened it.

Will: aight, I ordered it. Get started on your homework and then we can play some games after."

Me: nah man let's play the game for a little." I sighed.

Will: nahh get that homework done and then we can play. You know books come first boy." he said going into the living room.

He plopped down on the couch and I sweated a little as he turned the TV on. He turned the game on as I slowly opened my notebook in relief as he hadn't spotted it yet. Grabbing my pencil, I sighed and opened my math homework finishing the rest.

Seven POV

Dad: sweetie she's trying her best." he mumbled.

Me: well tell her to fight okay, she can't just.."

Dad: honey. She's doing her best." he mumbled. I bit my lip hard as I thought about how sick my mom was. To top everything off, my mother was slowly leaving this world.

None of the girls knew about my mom, and I wanted to keep it that way. I didn't want to spread negativity about her. I wanted to be able to tell them when she was better and alive.

I clenched the necklace that she had given me separately. It was the one that Issa had broken a while back. Drebo got it fixed for me and ever since I held it close to my heart.

Besides Cyn, my mother was my true best friend. We barely talked these last few years but I knew if I called her now we would talk for hours like it was nothing. There were so many times I wanted to call her, but I never did and now she was sick and it was the worst feeling ever.

Losing Drebo was scary, but losing my mom would send me overboard. She had to get better, she had to.

She had been sick before but was able to fight it off, but now according to my dad it was back and it was beating her this time. I closed my eyes hard as I asked God to please spare her just one more time. She had only seen Syx once, and met Drebo over the phone. There was so much more things that I needed my mother for.

I wanted her to see me get married. I wanted her to help me pick out my wedding dress and help me decorate. If she wasn't here..she couldn't do that.

Me: alright dad, Ill call you later.." I sighed.

Dad: aight love. I love you."

Me: love you to." I said. I hung up the phone and sighed as I placed it in my pocket.

I shook the negative thought out of my head and kissed the necklace. She would pull through...she had to.

Resolution: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now