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Jeneva POV

If pure hatred could kill, she would be dead right now. She pranced around the room, smiling as we stood before them.

Cyn: have a seat ladies." she gestured to the ground. We didn't move, making her stop in her walk.

Cyn: I wasn't asking." she whispered.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly slid down the wall, sitting on the cold floor with the rest of the girls. Grabbing a chair, she pulled it infront of us and straddled it like I did that time when they were in the same position last year.

Me: you just wanna be like me." I taunted as she leaned on it.

Cyn: I do, don't I?" she taunted back.

Me: yes you stupid ass bitch! You trying to copy what I did to you bitches last year!" I yelled at her. She put her hands up, shaking them back and forth as the girls behind her laughed.

Cyn: wow, your really angry that i am alive." she laughed hard.

Cyn: it really irks your inner anger issues doesn't it?" she continued.

Me: you, were suppose to be dead." I snarled at her.

Cyn: well if it makes you feel any better, I did die." she shrugged.

Cyn: flatlined multiple times, and I mean multiple."

Ronica: girl okay!" she laughed.

Cyn: and I am sure you would have loved to see me on my death bed." she said.

Me: I would have worshipped it." I spit. She smiled small, tapping her hands on the back of the chair she was sitting on.

Cyn: well Jeneva, I am sorry to say that that day will never come, you will never see that day."

Me: why? Because your going to kill me?" I spit.

Cyn:..no I couldn't kill you." she said genuinely.

Cyn: I hate you, but I can never kill you." she promised.

Cyn: we were sisters at some point, real sisters. I can't forget that." she said, hitting a nerve.

Diamond: oh how pathetic." she hissed.

Cyn: Diamond!" she exclaimed.

Cyn: I almost forgot you were here!" she said, shifting her chair in her direction. She placed her chair infront of Diamond and Imani, earning their hatred.

Cyn: and to think, I would never have to see your ugly faces again once I was released." she sighed.

Diamond: yeah bitch but you do." she snapped.

Cyn: how did you get out?" she asked.

Diamond: girl, I have connections. Me beating you half to death wasn't gone stop me from getting out." she said as her and Imani laughed. Cyn twisted her lip as she combed her hair out of her face.

Cyn: you did beat my ass, didn't you." she said.

Diamond: I'm glad you remember, because when those boys come down here to get us, I am going to personal ask for you. Bitch." she spit.

Cyn sat quietly for a moment, not saying anything. For a second her silence scared me as she looked between Diamond and Adryan.

Cyn: you know, I will give it to you. Even though you snuck up behind me and choked me out. You definitely had the upper hand."

Diamond: I snuck up behind you, what? You wanna go face to face?" she laughed standing up.

I looked up at Diamond as her confidence dug her a deeper hole. Adryan stepped up, hanging her locs behind her ears as Diamond stared.

Resolution: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now