"I Dont Like My BD"

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Lucas POV

I grabbed my hoodie and exchanged the casing in my gun before putting the safety on. Looking in the mirror I could see the other side of me smiling. These last 9 months, I turned into a different person, visions of the things i've done made me look away as I flinched.

Shaking it off, I hopped down the steps and headed to the spot. Of course I was the last one in as everyone was parked in the gravel parking spaces. I made sure to lock my car door as I walked into the building.

O: their names are Cain and Bronze.." he said as I walked in.

O: welcome son." he said pulling a chair out for me. I nodded silently and sat next to him as he turned back to my brothers.

O: Cain started off as a good kid, lost his father to gun violence and that is when he turned a dark corner. He was arrested back in 2012 and actually was released on good behavior last year."

Dre: around the same time they grabbed the girls." he mumbled making me sit back.

O: correct. He was released actually a few months before. Case bailed him out, Cains father knew Case years before." he said.

Dillyn: may I ask what he was arrested for?" he said.

O: murder, count 1." he said. I snorted a laugh as I looked up.

Me: that boys a snowflake." I mumbled.

O: well compared to you guys yes, the only difference is he got caught. Y'all didn't." he shrugged.

Peanut: and Bronze?" he pressed.

O: Right, Bronze sort of had more of a difficult background then Cain. He grew up in this type of stuff so he simply joined Case after Cain had found him."

Peanut: that's it?"

O: i mean he has a little sister."

June: does he.." he snarled.

O: yeah. Her names Tiffiane. But according to what I found, they haven't talked in years nor has she been around, but a few of my boys were able to pull a few addresses where she may be at."

June: find her." he said placing his hands on the table.

O: it'll take a little time son." he warned.

June: that's cool. Just find her for us." he said. O nodded as the door opened.

Adryan:..um O you wanted to see me." she said coming in.

Adryan: hey guys." she said as the door closed

June: Hey Dryan." he said for us.

O: yes I did, I wanted you to go get Jeneva." he smiled.

Adryan: like go pick her up, or go...snatch her up."

O:..bring her to me." he signaled.

Adryan: alright...but why?"

O: just do it for me love."

Adryan: alright ?" she said looking at me.

O: so who are we starting with?"

Me: Bronze." I said.

Me: get his sister, we get him." I mumbled. O nodded and looked at the boys as they slowly agreed with me.

O: alright. I'll send Kyren and Draco on it right away." he said. Nodding he dismissed us, and I quickly got my stuff to get the kids.

Jeneva POV

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