𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 : 𝙲𝚊𝚒𝚗

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Drebo POV

O: again." he said as the girls went over their routine.

I sat in the back with Rich and Geo, as Seven made sure to walk around the entire restaurant. Briana and Ronica stood behind the counter as Seven made sure to rotate to the table Cain would be at tonight.

O: Seven, make sure you're clueless. Don't go directly to the table he will be sitting at. Let him spot you." he coached. She nodded and came back to the counter as Ronica and Briana practiced making the drinks.

O: okay practice the last part." he said. I got up and waited at the exit of the restaurant as we watched Seven walk around to the side of the building.

O: Sev look up." he called. She stopped and looked up at the restaurant's camera.

O: Make sure that you are in that camera's blind spot okay?" he called.

O: At 8:30 the camera will be at the perfect blind spot. Once you reach that blind spot we will be just around the corner to grab him." he said. She nodded and came back inside as I closed the door.

Briana: wait so all we are doing is watching Seven?" she said, stopping them.

O: you guys are her lookout. When Seven finally catches Cain's attention you guys will immediately let us know." he said grabbing something out of his bag.

Roncia: how?"

O: with these." he said pulling out small ear plugs.

O: Seven will not have these in her ear, it'll be to risky. You two will have this tucked behind your ears, and you guys will briefly tell us everything that's going on." he said handing them to Rich and Geo.

Ronica: fancy." she giggled as Geo moved her hair out the way. They placed the ear plugs in their ears and covered it back with their hair.

Briana: do we have to press on it like in them movies." she said, making them giggle.

O: no Briana." he smirked. He knew he wanted to laugh at that.

O: just simply speak into it and whoever has one in will hear you." he said. He took one out and placed it in his ear. He gave one to Geo and waited until he fixed his.

O: Ronica say something for me." he said

Ronica: hey daddy." she smiled making Geo laugh.

Geo: I definitely heard that." he said as he took his out.

O: I definitely didn't need to hear that." he said shaking his head.

O: okay so these work." he said. The

ladies took them out and handed them back to O as I looked at Seven. I watched as she counted her steps to herself, from the counter to the table where Cain would be.

O: alright, head home and get ready for tonight ladies. I need you all focused." he said.

O: thanks Tiddo." he said to the restaurant owner. He was an older gentleman, grey hairs and all but he was young looking. Definitely an old head.

Tiddo: this won't be messy in my restaurant right Rackon?" he frowned.

O: no sir, I promise nothing will happen inside this restaurant." he promised. Tiddo nodded and dapped him up as he nodded his head at us. We grabbed our stuff and I held the door for the girls as they came out.

Parting our ways, I held Seven's hand as she walked close behind me. Opening the door for her, I let her get in before closing the door. Climbing into the drivers seat, I wasted no time heading to the house. The drive at first was silent, I could feel her anxiety rising as she looked at the window.

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