I Want To Make A Deal

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Case POV

I paced back and forth as Dedo sat on his big ass.

Me: we need to go over there now." I snarled as he looked at me.

Dedo: we can't go Case-."

Me: and why not, they have my fucking sister all bets are fucking off!" I yelled, slamming my hands down on the table.

Dedo: you let me know when you calm down so I can say what I gotta say to you nigga." he snapped back. I gritted my teeth at his comment before letting him have the room.

Dedo: this is a trap-."

Me: Dedo-."

Dedo: this is the same thing that happened to Alexis." he said quietly.

Dedo: June took her, and I thought I could follow their negotiations to get her back and I did. I did everything they ask but June..June killed her anyway." he said as he stared off into space.

Dedo: right in front of me." he mumbled.

Dedo: if we go now, they will have the upper hand and we will have nothing."

Dedo: Alexis wasn't even apart of this life and he killed her with no regret. They won't hesitate to kill Olivia the second you step on that casino." he finished. I shook my head as he looked away from me.

Me: so what do we do man, we need to do something. They told Will the end of the week. We don't have that much longer to make a move." I forced. He sat back as he folded his arms together, thinking of the best plan.

But see, I had already done that. I had already thought about all the possible angles to have the better outcome but there was nothing.

They had made their final moves, and this was it. There was nothing left for us to really do.

Me:..Dedo. We have to go." I said as he looked up at me.

Me: there is no other option. I ain't losing my little sister." I whispered.

Me: I promised to protect her and if that means I
putting my life out there for her sake I will do that with or without you and your boys." I promised.

Me: we are down to the wire, we have been for months and she already died once, I can't let her die again for this shit." I said.

I could feel my nose flaring up as I turned my back to him. There was another brief silence as I regained my composure.

Dedo:..this is what you want?" he asked again.

Me: this is what we need." I said back to him.

I could see how much he didn't agree with my idea of following their instructions, but he also knew that we were out of options. Olivia was my check mate piece, she was the deal breaker.

I would break any deal, make any moves, fall into any trap behind my sister and they knew that.

Dedo: fine." he uttered.

Dedo: well meet them." he said. I sighed in relief as he agreed to come with me. Rubbing my hands together I paced the room together as a smile grew on my face.

Lucas POV

Olivia: let me out of here!" she yelled through the door as I smirked. I lit the end of my blunt as I headed upstairs, closing the door behind me.

Me: well, she ain't happy." I laughed as I came up the stairs.

Drebo: good, that's music to my ears."

Me: you should go down there and hear her scream then. That is the true symphony." I gloated.

Drebo and June laughed at my joke as I looked over at Cynthia, she looked uncomfortable as she played with Solae on the couch. The boys made a few more jokes about Olivia being locked downstairs, making her get up and leave the room.

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