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Seven POV

I smiled at the necklace before placing it on the counter next to the one my mom gave me. I sat down on the barstool and fixed my hair nicely as I heard Drebo walk in.

We haven't been talking these last few days and it was really kicking my ass. I want to talk to him and tell him about my mom but it was..not happening.

At this point I started to feel like I was more of a placement for him. Just someone who was here. He could go so long without touching me, talking to me, being with me. Whereas I crumble every time we aren't together.

It honestly made me sick and I couldn't really be around him, so as he came into the bathroom, I quickly left. Sitting on the bed I got dressed and watched as he got dressed in dark clothes.

Dre: fix yo shirt." he mumbled brushing past me. I looked down at my shirt and slowly took it off. Grabbing a tank top, I slid it on before putting on the necklace he gave me.

He came over and placed a sticky note on the dresser.

Dre: this the address, make sure you park to the left." he said walking away. I opened my mouth to say something but he had already left downstairs. I heard the sound of his car reviving up as he left the house.

I wanted to ask if we could ride together but being that he just wouldn't talk to me, it wasn't worth it. I don't know, maybe I was crazy. But I'm pretty sure it was him that left me, and I sit and I watch as the girls are slowly falling back in love and I'm here crying.

We were both too stubborn, but I think I had every right to be. He was just upset because I was upset and that really ticked me off. Grabbing my keys, I hopped into the car and made sure to text Mrs. Coly the time I'd be there to pick up Syx.

Buckling my seat belt, I turned the car on and drove to the "spot." I avoided the stares as Cynthia and Ronica frowned as I pulled in behind Dre. I saw Dre and Lucas talking on the balcony and when I pulled in he turned and headed inside.

I shook my head as Cyn came over to the car. Opening my door I practically folded as she opened the door.

Cyn: Seven what's going on?" she said as I hid my face under my hair.

Me: Nothing, nothing." I said shaking it off. I wiped my eyes as Cyn pushed my hair out of my face.

Cyn: Seven your crying, it's clearly something." she said sternly.

Ronica: Did Drebo say something to you because I will cuss him-."

Me: No, he didn't say anything." I sighed.

Ronica: oh so what's wrong?" she frowned.

Me: that's the point though, he's not saying anything. Like we haven't talked and when he does talk it's a one word sentence. He hasn't touched me, he hasn't even looked at me and you would think with all the time he spent away from me he would at least want a hug." I said as a few tears dropped on the ground.

Cyn: have you tried to reach out to him Sev?"

Me: no, but why should I? I didn't do anything." I snapped.

Me: like maybe he's not attracted to me or something."

Cyn: oh girl please, if that boy could he would suck you dry. Don't say that." she said sucking my teeth.

Me: i'm not the same Cyn, I stopped eating and I know I lost so much weight." I said, pulling at my shirt.

Cyn: Seven dont do that to yourself. You're gorgeous."

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