For His Own Enjoyment..🫠

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Drebo POV

I winced as she put the ointment across my chest.

Seven: I'm sorry." she mumbled as she wrapped it up. She wrapped the bandage around my torso, before tapping it just below my ribs. She looked at my bullet wound and I fanned her off as she looked concerned.

Me: I've been shot before, this ain't nun." I said. She looked at me before grabbing the ointment anyway. She placed it on the wound and watched as I didn't flinch this time.

Me: told you." I teased. She barely laughed as she wrapped it anyway.

Gathering the wrappers, I noticed her shaky hands as she put everything away. Since the other day, I knew she was a bit battered. Syx hadn't said a word since he saw what his mother went through, and Seven hadn't slept.

She put the first aid back, before looking at the dresser next to me.

Seven: do you need more water?" she mumbled.

Me: nah baby girl." I said.

Seven: okay I am going to call Syx." she said looking for her phone. He was spending time my mom after the incident. He needed the quiet space and his grandmother was more then happy to take him.

Me: baby girl, you just called him." I said nicely as she looked frantically for it.

Seven: where is it.." she mumbled as I watched her.

Me: baby girl." I called as she began to throw things off of the dresser.

Seven: where is my phone!" she yelled, slamming a bottle down. She covered her face as she became overwhelmed. Crying into her hands, I sighed as I sat up.

Me: Come hea." I called as she cried. She came over to me, sniffling as I held my hands out. I pulled her onto my lap, and held her there as she wiped her eyes.

Me: talk to me.." I said moving her hair out of her face. She shook her head as more tears came down her face. regret telling me to kill him?" I mumbled. She shook her head frantically.

Seven: No.." she said.

Seven: I thought, I thought I lost you." she said getting choked up.

Me: baby I am right here."

Seven: I know b-but I heard you cry out, and there was no way I could help you." she said in her hysteria.

Seven: I thought they killed you and I had given up fighting Issa off and even though Syx was there, I gave up." she cried.

Seven: and I let our son, see..see-."

Me: stop. You ain't let him see nun." I snapped as she looked away from me.

Me: look at me Seven." I demanded. She looked up at the ceiling before putting her glossy eyes on me.

Me: it is not yo fault. It was inevitable and I understand why you gave up. I get it and I am not mad, nor does Syx look at you as any different." I said.

Me: you protected me, you protected Syx and you did yo part, stop it with the blaming yo self shit because you did your part." I finished.

Me: do you understand?" I said firmly. She nodded her head as I leaned up and kissed her cheek.

Me: and you never have to worry about losing me again, I'm gone always be here." I promised. She smiled small before kissing my lips lovingly.

She crawled into bed, and laid next to me cradling my arm. I pulled the covers over her and rubbed her scalp as she soon fell asleep.

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