𝟯| 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝗽𝘁𝟮

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sasha appeared at your door in less than 30 minutes panting while holding her purse in one hand and a large box in the other. "can you...answer your phone next time?"

you took the box from her hand, "sorry! i didn't even know you were here, my phone died."

that was a lie.

"whats in the box?" you asked, peeking into the open flaps of the box. sasha took a slice of pizza from the box, leaning against the counter, "see for yourself."

you felt both fear and anticipation you as you opened the box, but then it disappeared after you saw many different types of cleaning tools and supplies. "sasha."


"there's cleaning supplies in here."

she clapped her hands together, "yes! i brought them so cleaning the bookroom could be easier!" you groaned and brought the box over to the big brown doors of the bookroom.

"well are you coming or not?"

in 30 seconds or less, you heard sasha's footsteps behind you, waiting for you to open the door. "i'm scared y/n."

"it's just a library."

you slid your finger into the keyhole, turning it and listening for the click. "did you just unlock a door with your fing-" sasha stared up into the bookroom, gawking at the windows and all the bookshelves across the wall. "woah.."

"i know right? i cant believe this was all in the back of my apartment, i don't even know how this fit! don't know why my parents didn't want me here though.."

sasha was practically bouncing off the walls, opening and closing every book, and collapsing in every chair around the room. "i'll just start cleaning alone then..." you mumbled, picking up a duster from the box.

you dusted off the tables and seats, as sasha wiped down the tables and ladder on the side of the room.

as you cleaned, you thought back to earlier, when armin followed you. you remember only looking at his recent post, where he was downtown with mikasa. he had a large amount of followers, and he was only following about 15 people. you thought it would've been a stretch to go through his following, plus it would've made you feel creepy. sasha was following him, which calmed you a little.


you jolted and turned around, back up against a bookshelf. "stop doing that sasha!"'

"sorry! you weren't answering me before. plus, what're you thinking about? you looked very concentrated.." she started putting books away on the bookshelf near you, taking the ones that didn't belong and putting them in a box.

"nothing. just, kinda weirded out with this."

she smiled, "mm, i am too. but, now i can come here everyday to study! this is amazing. maybe we can invite mikasa and armin too-"

you turned your head towards her, "what?!"

"you heard me."

"no way. we can invite mikasa but in no way are we inviting armin!"

a smirk came across sasha's face as she watched you panic. "why? you like him or something? or think he's cute?" she nudged you while trying to hold back her laugh.

"no! why would i like him? we just met."

"doesn't mean you can't at least find him attractive."

"well i don't."

"but you do."

"just, get back to cleaning sasha!"

she giggled to herself, walking over to the other side of the room to organize the books.

you started to clean again, thinking about what sasha said. you lied about not finding him attractive, but you weren't lying about not liking him. you just met the boy, you don't even know anything else besides his major and name.

but you did want to see him again, maybe inviting armin over won't be so bad.

"don't you think it's getting late, y/n?" sasha asked, starting to pack away the rest of the books she had left.

"yeah, it's a little over three hours. you can go, i'll finish the rest myself!" you walked over to sasha, and took the books from her hand.

"don't work yourself too hard." she said.

"i won't."

just before she walked out the door, you grabbed her arm. "i forgot to show you something!"

you grabbed your phone from the table and unlocked it, and showed her the screen.

"wha-oh my god....armin follows you?" she took the phone from your hand, and started scrolling through his page.

"yeah! he like, randomly followed me today."

"he probably thinks you're cute."

"do you ever shut up?"

she laughed, "look at this post."

she handed the phone to you, and on the screen was armin sitting in between mikasa and some other guy. one that looked like the man who delivered your pizza earlier. they were sitting on a bench, holding ice cream. they were all smiling, happy.

"that guy's hot." sasha said, pointing to the one with brown hair and green eyes.

"he looks like my pizza delivery man."

she looked at you, then back to her phone, clicking the tag to his account.

"his name is eren jeager. he goes to our college!" sasha said, scrolling through his posts.

"he was the person that delivered my pizza! now that i think about it, that probably explains why he said he recognized me."

"he said he...recognized you?" sasha paused, staring at you.

"yeah, which was really weird since i've never met him before."

"that probably means armin told him about you, dumbass. probably showed him your instagram too!"

"why do you immediately think that way?!"

"because it's the most reasonable explanation." sasha said, swiping bakc to armin's instagram. "here, i followed him back for you too."

"thanks." you mumbled, scrolling through armin's page yourself.

"call me when you get to campus tomorrow!" sasha yelled back as she walked back through the doors of the book room.

"i will!"

your phone dinged two times, and a banner at the top of your screen showed that armin liked your comment.

"i didn't comment on anything..." you said to yourself, clicking the comment.

you nearly fell out of the seat you were sitting on when you saw the comment.

"i recognize that spot, we should meet up sometime! nice photo btw :)"

armin replied, "of course :)"


you quickly went to delete the comment, and shut your phone off trying to forget about what just happened. if you see armin tomorrow, how are you going to act like nothing happened? if he brings it up it'll be worse.

you reminded yourself to never let sasha take your phone again.

finishing the cleaning was hard, since you kept getting distracted at the thought of what sasha did.  but eventually, you finished and looked around the fresh clean bookroom.


it was about 12 am, and your energy to shower and get ready for bed was completely gone.

so you flipped off all the lights in your apartment and locked the bookroom, flopping onto bed and falling asleep as soon as you hit the pillow.


STUDYING YOU|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁➪Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя