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i was listening to the song above while writing this and woo! pretty sure y'all know it from tiktok !
if u want, start playing it at ♥︎  symbol
mentions of alcohol and intoxication

you almost fell over when you saw him. armin.

he was standing in ymir's kitchen, chugging something that was in the plastic cup he was holding.

he was also talking to a girl, a shorter one with blonde hair and blue eyes. next to that girl was another one, with brown hair tied back and freckles.

just as you were about to spin on your heel and walk out of the kitchen, someone called out to you.

"hey!" you turned back around, and the girl with the brown hair was calling out to you "what's your name?"

before answering, you took a glance at armin. he was trying his best not to look at you, but it wasn't working since he kept sneaking peeks at you through the corner of his eye.

"y/n. you?"

"ymir." she answered back. "this is my girl, historia."

historia waved and grinned. she was beautiful.

'so this is the host of the party' you thought.

"i hope you're enjoying yourself!" historia said.

"i am, don't worry." again, when you were about to leave the kitchen, historia called out to you.

"you know our friend here?"

your throat went dry as you looked at armin, you could basically see the sweat collecting on his forehead.

"mm, no. not at all."

armin scrunched up his face, watching you from where he stood.

"i'll see you guys later," you smiled, before leaving the kitchen and running over to where you were sitting before.

"eren! i saw....armin..." you said breathlessly, flopping down on the couch next to sasha.

"he's here?!" sasha asked, looking around trying to look for any hint of armin.

"he was in the kitchen, with some girls with ymir and historia."

"i didn't think he would be here.." sasha rubbed her eyes.

"me neither," eren cut in.

you leaned back against the couch, sighing. "so much for a distraction."

connie sat up, "hey, don't let the fact that he's here bother you. in fact," he grabbed your arms and brought you onto the dance floor.

♥︎ "connie!"

"let's dance," he leaned into your ear, whispering, "very close. just in case armin's watching."

connie hands snaked around your waist, his breath on your neck. you started moving to the song and so did connie. you two got closer more the song played.

you looked around the crowd and you saw ymir and historia dancing. not too far from you and connie, was eren and mikasa.

sasha was dancing with some guy you didn't know, she looked happy though.

across the room, you saw armin. he was watching you and connie carefully, he looked frustrated and upset. which was your goal after all.

you smirked as you watched armin walk away. you knew he was jealous, he had to be.

"he saw, connie." you whispered into his ear.

connie laughed, "wouldn't hurt to dance longer though."


you and connie continued to dance, whispering jokes to each other here and there.

although, there was nothing serious between you two. this was just a scheme to
make armin jealous, and you and connie both knew that.

the party ended. you were stumbling out of ymir's house, with your arm around sasha. mikasa was holding onto eren, and connie was helping sasha with holding you up.

"i'm tired.." you groaned as sasha placed you into eren's car.

"i know, i know.." she placed her jacket on top of you. "see you later, kay? call me if anything new happens."


sasha giggled before closing the car door, leaving you laying alone in the backseat.

you heard voices talking from outside the car, most likely eren, connie, and mikasa.

your eyelids felt heavy, you were exhausted from all the dancing. throughout the night, you did see armin. you even saw him flirt with some girls at the bar.

you dragged your hands down your face, groaning. you felt horrible, your stomach hurt, head was pounding, and everything was spinning.

a loud knock on the window startled you.

you rolled down the window, blinking a couple times to really see who was standing at the window.

it was someone you really did not want to see right now. "hey,"


he leaned against the window, hair tied back.

you groaned, "what do you want? i'm not in the best mood for whatever bullshit you have for me this time."

"i just wanted to check in on you, i know you don't want to see me right now but i was just worried because i saw you look all sick and-"

"i'm fine, i'm riding home with eren and mikasa. thanks.." you trailed off, looking away from his piercing blue eyes.

"can we talk? you know, tomorrow or something. i have some things i need to get off my mind and i can't bear holding them back from you." he sounded like he was about to cry, his voice was shaky.

you shrugged, "sure."

"great," he smiled. "stay safe okay?"


armin leaned into the car and kissed the top of your head before walking away from the car.

you were taken aback, but also...that made you miss him. so much. you always felt a special way about armin and it hurt so much that you guys fell apart so quickly.

you weren't official, but you knew you and armin had potential.

everything about him was amazing. his features, his kindness, the way he cared.

you leaned your head against the window, sighing as you came to the realization.

now that you think about it, armin was your lover.

there is no other.

double chapter woooo

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