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the rest of the day went by fast, just like any other. connie and sasha ran back to their classes, and you also attended yours.

you were walking back to your apartment, taking you're usual route until exhaustion hit you again. it wasn't like any other, you felt like you legs were going to give out any minute. also, it was cold so the air made your limbs feel like blocks of ice.

"how far.." you stopped on the sidewalk, looking around. based on your current location, you were about 15 minutes away from your apartment. and with the way you were feeling now, it didn't seem possible.

"maybe i'll just sit here for a bit." you sat on the sidewalk, your eyes already starting to close as soon as you sat.

"can't..fall asleep.." you repeated to yourself, trying to fight the urge to sleep right on the sidewalk.

you lost that fight.

your head hung down, and your eyes were shut. the sound of cars honking and the usual city noises were still loud in your head.

you heard tired pulling up in front of you, a honk blaring. the sudden noise woke you and hurt your ears.


you recognized the voice, and sure enough it was armin.

he was in the drivers seat of his car. in the passenger seat was eren, and in the backseat was mikasa.

"armin?" you stood up, dusting your clothes off.

"you must be really fucking tired." eren laughed, armin then hit him in the bicep.

mikasa then poked her head out of the back window, "were you sleeping on the sidewalk..?"

you looked at the three staring at you, waiting for a response. "no! i was just taking a break, my apartment is pretty far from here so walking back can be hard sometimes.."

"do you need a ride?" armin said, he looked like he was worried, like he cared.

"i'm fine, really." you declined, the thought of being in a car with eren jeager, mikasa ackerman, and armin arlert making your palms sweat.

"y/n, you were about to fall asleep on the sidewalk. get in here." armin nudged eren.

"why am i sitting in the back?!" eren complained, starting the open the door to the car.

"let y/n sit here, eren." armin said, serious this time.


eren got up and sat in the seat next to mikasa, and you climbed into the passenger seat, pulling on your seatbelt.

"didn't i deliver your pizza?" eren asked, his eyes not leaving the screen of his phone as he talked.

you winced, knowing this conversation would happen sooner or later. "uh, yeah."

"i work at a pizza place down the street, you can just call me if you want a free pie or something."

"thanks! i really like the place you work at, the garlic bread is good."

eren looked up at you, "i know! and have you tasted the spaghetti?"

armin added, "and the milkshakes."

"don't forget the salads," mikasa said.

the car filled with laughter, and armin looked at you. the way he felt was different. instead of being the person who's just giving you a ride home, he wanted to be yours. the one who would care for you all the time.

a phone from inside the car rang, and it came from armin's side.

"shhh! it's my boss." he held the phone to his ear, keeping his eyes on the road before him.

the conversation was short, armin only responded with 'yes' 'mhm' 'i understand' and it ended with 'i'll be right there'.

armin's mood shifted, and he gripped onto the steering wheel and began to drive faster than before.

"we're not in a fucking race car." eren said.

"what happened armin?" mikasa asked, leaning over toward him.

"i was supposed to be off today, but i got called in at the hotel. apparently there's a big crowd and it's a 'emergency'." he replied, clearly irritated by the fact he had to go in on his free day.

"well, if i'm a problem you can drop me off here armin. i'll walk the rest of the way." you offered, feeling like it was your fault even though it clearly wasn't.

armin looked at you and scoffed, "of course not. i'm dropping you all off at mikasa's house."


mikasa's house was big.

it was white granite pillars on the front, intricate designs on the paneling, and white lights illuminating the outside of the windows. the house's color scheme was more modern, like white, grey, and black.

in the driveway were three cars, which you assumed were her parents.

you stared up at the house as eren and mikasa climbed out the car behind you, walking up to the front doors.

"i'll be back to bring you home y/n!" armin yelled out of his car, waving.

"thank you armin!" you yelled back, waving back.

mikasa walked past you and up to her front door, keys in hand. "are you coming?" she looked back at you.


the first thing that caught your attention in mikasa's house was the floor. it was a shiny grey color. the stairs spiraled up into corner, and the light were bright white.

the furniture was the same modern scheme, and to your left was a large doorway.

"cmon, we're going to the kitchen." she dropped her bag by the front door and kicked off her shoes and you and eren did the same.

eren sighed, "i'm going to the living room."

eren's probably been here many times, so now it feels like his own home. he knew mikasa's parents like his own, and were comfortable around them.

"are you hungry?" mikasa asked you while pouring chips into a bowl.

"yeah. and tired too." you laughed, taking a chip from the bowl.

"i can see that." mikasa poured herself a drink.

you two sat in silence for a bit, eating from the bowl of chips until she asked you a certain question.

"do you like armin?"

you almost choked, and she stared at you closely for your response.

"no! why does everyone think that? we just met." you gave the same excuse every time someone asked you how you felt about armin.

"i don't know, you two just look...like a good couple."

you did feel sort of flattered at what she said, smiling down at the table.

"shut up..." you mumbled, trying to hold back your laugh.

mikasa giggled, "it's true."

"he's probably just being nice!" you shrugged.

"y/n, he talks about you all the time."



STUDYING YOU|𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁➪Where stories live. Discover now