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p/t= preferred title. ex: girlfriend, boyfriend, partner etc.

lowkey was thinking about making another book when i finish this one, but like one where's it's sad.

anyways, this one is almost done! i'm guessing it'll end around chapter 35-40.

8:30 pm

today was halloween. you were scrambling around your apartment in your costume, stuffing things into your bag to head to sasha's house again.

there was a halloween party at ymir's house again, and you guys didn't want to miss it.

so, here you were. waiting for armin to pull up in front of your house. you stood in front of your apartment door, bag in hand.

a text popped up on the top of your screen, it was from armin saying he was outside. you ran out to the front of your complex smiling like an idiot.

when you got to his car, armin was sitting in the front seat in his costume. in the back, was sasha and mikasa.

"heyyy y/n! hurry up and get in the car so we can go!" sasha said from the back, unwrapping a candy bar she had in her hand.

"hey! where's eren and connie?" you asked climbing into the car.

"oh! he and mikasa got into a little argument...they didn't wanna be in the same car i guess." sasha said, mikasa scoffing.

"and connie got there before us, that asshole." sasha grumbled.

"he'll get over it." armin said from the front seat. "now get in here."


when you arrived at ymir's house, again, halloween decorations covered her house. cobwebs, pumpkins, fake spiders, everything. people walked in with different costumes all around you, one person wearing a burger suit.

sasha basically jumped out of the car, and ran inside the house cheering. sasha was pretty well-known, so of course everyone she walked past greeted her. same with mikasa and armin.

word was out you and armin were official now, and you've been talked about lately. many people murmured and whispered amongst themselves, some smiled at you and waved, some gave you dirty looks.

armin did have many girls, and guys, after him. so, the reason behind those dirty looks wasn't hard to figure out.

"ooo, i think i see connie!" sasha said, immediately disappearing into the crowd of people. leaving you, mikasa, and armin.

"i'm goin' to find ymir," mikasa said, before walking off.

"just you and me now, huh?" armin laughed, nudging you.

"seems like it..."

armin quickly grabbed your hand into his, "how about we dance? we didn't come here for nothing right?"

you looked at him and smiled, "i was waiting for you to say that."

you two quickly made your way over to the more secluded part of where people where dancing. the music was a bit quieter here, so it was perfect.

you and armin danced together for a pretty good amount of time, and very closely. the skin tight costumes you two were wearing made things more intimate than you intended to.

you pulled yourself away from armin, fanning yourself with your hand. even though it was fall, you were sweating like it was summer.

armin sat you on a nearby chair, examining your face, "you look sweaty. want a drink babe-?"

"yes, please. i think i'm gonna need two, actually."

"on it,"

he immediately ran off to the kitchen to retrieve your drink, leaving you alone. the flashing strobe lights made your head hurt, and the music didn't help either. you stared at the ceiling, trying to block out the noises of everyone around you. it didn't work though.

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