I Am The Sea

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{Seabound's ending destroyed me, so here ya go!}

It was hard, very hard to even consider a life without her. Ever since she was gone, the monastery went silent. The smiles, the happiness, everything was drained from the gang, and even a lot of citizens of Ninjago.
The ninja didn't know how to move on, if to move on.

Their days were all the same: wake up, force themself to get out of bed, eat, train, and occasionally cry without showing anyone.

Who knew her being gone would make such a huge difference?

"Is he still in his room?" Master Wu asked the ninja and Pixal at the dining table.

Nobody answered, they just looked down at their plates. They all had scrambled eggs with bacon and orange juice at the side of each plate.

Kai let out a sigh. "I'll go check on him."

Then he stood up and walked towards his room. He felt like the corridor was longer than before. With each step he took, his worries grew bigger. He was scared. Scared of the confrontation he had to master without breaking down, himself.

He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked again, but still no answer. Now he anticipated the worst. Then he slowly opened the door anxiously.

Then he saw him. He was sitting on his bed with his back to the door, his face was unseeable. Kai slowly approached him, not wanting to distress him by running up to him.

"Jay?" Kai asked worriedly. But Jay did not answer. Kai walked towards him, now seeing his face.

Jay wasn't in a good condition. He had bags under his eyes, dried tear stains all around his eyes and cheeks and his view was locked onto a glass of water which was in front of him, sitting on his nightstand. He did not seem to have noticed Kai's presence.

"Hey buddy," Kai said in the softest voice he could muster while putting his hand on Jay's shoulder. He then sat down on his bed right next to him. But still, Jay neither looked at him nor talked to him.

Kai could feel his hurt. He felt it too. Everybody was hit by the sudden loss of their Water Ninja, but it seemed like it hit Jay the most. He went silent, rarely talked to anyone. He stopped eating to the point where someone had to come to his room daily to make sure he at least ate something. Whenever they entered his room, Jay seemed to not even care about anything anymore. It came to the point in which they had to feed him. But feeding him wasn't the only thing they'd enter his room for. At his state, they all assumed that he might really hurt himself.

"You wanna talk about it?" Kai asked worriedly again, also looking at the glass of water. This time though, Jay shook his head slightly. "Alright, but you have to eat something," he insisted.

"Not hungry," Jay murmured quietly. His voice sounded hoarse and displayed his heartbreak well.

"Jay, please. I know this is hard, but you need to stay strong and eat something," Kai tried to sound convincing, but he could feel his own heart breaking more and more just by the look at him.

"What's the point?" Jay's voice sounded numb.

"I know you think that... everything you had is gone, but she's still out there. She wouldn't want you to give up on everything, both you and I know that," Kai said while looking out the window.

Jay slowly turned his head towards Kai. His electric blue eyes stared at Kai's brown ones. A single tear slowly rolled down Jay's cheek which caught his brother's attention. Kai was usually not the type of friend to have physical contact with anyone, but he let that aside and pulled Jay in for a hug.

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