Fallen For You

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"I've fallen for you," Nya's Yin yelled, wincing and groaning in pain, "and I can't get up!"

Nya lazily glanced down at him from where she was sitting on her bed.

He had stormed into her room a few seconds prior and interrupted her during her alone time in which she was reading a book. Yet when his foot had caught the doorway, he face-planted onto her carpeted floor.

And then he just had to say a cheesy pickup line to compensate for the fact that his face was hurting like hell.

Jay slowly got up to a sitting position and looked at Nya with his puppy eyes as he was holding his nose. She only blinked, unimpressed.

The two stared at each other for a moment before she broke the silence.

"Are you really hurt or just trying to get my attention?"

"Both," Jay whined, rubbing his nose.

Nya let go of her book and untangled herself from her sheets before getting out of her bed to walk over to her Yin. She sat down on the floor in front of him and gently tried to pry his hand off his face but couldn't get it to move.

"Jay, let go," she told him.

He shook his head which only caused him to scrunch up his face in pain. "No, it hurts."

"I know," Nya said, "but I need to have a look at it. Will you let me?" Her gentle tone did not go unnoticed which won Jay over.

"Okay," he said meekly as he removed his hand from his nose.

Nya tried her best not to wince upon seeing his nose.

It was turning a disgusting shade of dark yellow and light purple, and it looked a little crooked. A small string of blood was coming out of his right nostril.

"Oh, boy," Nya whispered as she brought her finger up to it. She poked it very lightly to test whether he could feel some pain, which he did.

"How much does it hurt?"

"A lot."

"Can you breathe out of it?"

"Not very well," Jay answered, his eyes rimming with unshed tears.

Nya's face softened immensely. At first she had thought he was overreacting or pretending to be hurt, but his entire body was basically shaking.

"Okay," she nodded. "Now, please don't freak out but I think it may be broken."

Jay's frightened gaze made her heart constrict. He was about to press his finger on his nose but Nya caught it before he could.

"No, don't touch it," she advised him.

"Okay," Jay whispered, trying his best to keep his tears at bay. He was hurting a lot, and he didn't like it one bit.

Nya then placed her flat palm on his forehead to check his temperature. It was not heating up, luckily. "Are you feeling dizzy or like you need to vomit?"


"That's good," she smiled. Then she stood up and grabbed his hand. "Come on, let's get you checked up."

Jay stood up slowly with his hand gripping Nya's tightly. Even though he just said he wasn't feeling dizzy, Nya still kept her hand in his and her other hand wrapped around his torso to steady him just in case.

The two walked out of her bedroom and headed for the medical bay of the monastery. Jay kept complaining about how much pain he was in, and Nya would've usually told him to stop exaggerating if it hadn't been for the fact that he wasn't playing around this time but was in serious agony.

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