Heads Are Important For Survival

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"Where is it?" Nya asked herself as she threw the covers of her bed onto the other side, pulling a pillow down as well.

Then she grabbed the other pillow she had neatly sitting on the side of her bed before aggressively pulling it up and looking underneath it, finding, as expected, nothing.

She then groaned before pushing the pillow back down onto her bed, this time not caring how messy her bed looked.

After giving up on her bed, she moved on to her nightstand. She opened the silver chest she had been gifted by Kai for her seventeenth birthday two years ago and moved all the small things inside around.

Even though she could see many different necklaces and bracelets she usually never wore, the small remote to her flatscreen TV, a few pairs of bubblegum, peppermint TicTacs, and a few different colored pens, she still couldn't find what she was looking for. She closed the chest again before moving on to her closet.

After tearing down the doors to her closet, she went through her many gi's, sweatshirts and sweatpants, T-shirts, her pajamas, and other clothing, finding nothing. Then she looked down and shuffled through her sneaker collection with no luck whatsoever.

She grew more agitated the more minutes passed.

"Maybe it's in the bathroom," she thought out loud, tapping her chin.

Then she nodded to herself, agreeing to her own statement, and sprinted out of her bedroom towards the bathroom.

As she passed the living room, she made sure not to run but to walk down the hallway, hoping no one would catch on to her desperate and almost angry mood.

Once she successfully avoided the guys who were currently playing some video games together, she started speed-walking the last few steps down the hallway before stopping in front of the unoccupied bathroom.

She walked inside and shut the door before locking it immediately for no possible disturbances.

Then she turned around and headed straight for the sink. Nya opened the upper cabinet and looked around, only seeing some painkillers, a pack of pads they had all agreed on storing there for Nya and other female visitors, and extra toothbrushes and toothpastes.

Sighing, she closed the cabinet before kneeling down and opening the cabinet underneath the sink.

There she could see spare white towels and toilet paper, but nothing else.

Nya then went over to the bathtub and looked inside, finding nothing but a lonely, red bar soap lying inside.

She rolled her eyes. Kai.

Before she exited the bathroom again, she went over to the toilet and pulled the lid up, peeking inside.

Hey, desperate times require desperate measures!

Anyways, just as she got to the door handle to exit, she heard a knock.

"Whoever's in there, hurry up!"

Upon hearing her Yin's voice, she internally panicked. Then she broke out of her trance and went back to the toilet.

"Almost done!" she yelled back at him just before she flushed the toilet and went over to the sink to wash her hands.

After drying them quickly, she opened the door and low and behold, there stood Jay.

"The bathroom is all yours," Nya said as she stepped out and then went to stand to the side so that Jay could pass her on his way in.

He chuckled before he slung his arm around her waist and left a kiss on her forehead, mumbling a quiet, "thank you, my love."

They both smiled brightly at each other as Jay removed his arm from her body again and went into the bathroom, locking it.

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