An Unexpected Call (Part 2)

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"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Jay's body now entirely froze as he looked at her with confusion written on his face. What was she talking about?

"What?" He asked, disbelieving. Jay then looked at her clothings and realized that she was in her scuba suit she was transformed in.

This was Nya.

"Nya, what are you talking about?" Jay pushed as he stepped closer to her, yet she only took a step back.

She laughed nervously. "I- I don't know who you are, I'm sorry." She seemed so sincere.

"But Nya-"

"Who?" Nya asked.

Jay frowned. "Nya..." He said slowly, watching as she started to frown as well. Then he turned to the police officer who was looking at her sadly. "What's going on?"

The officer sighed. "I don't know, Jay. She... didn't know about anything when she woke up."

Jay let out a shaky breath as he turned to look back at her. "Nya, do you remember anything? D-Do you know who I am?" He asked as he put his hand on his chest.

Nya seemed to contemplate that question but shook her head in the end.

The Blue Ninja's lip started to quiver as he tried to not break down in front of her. "Do you know how you ended up at the beach?"

She shook her head again. Then she squinted her eyes at him. "Are you my brother? I feel like I have a brother." She asked.

"Your bro- no!" He let out a poor laugh. "I'm your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" She repeated.

"Yes, boyfriend! Or partner, or significant other, or whatever you want to call it. We're betrothed!" He exclaimed.

Nya looked intently at him before she felt guilty. "I really don't remember you."

"How could this happen?!" He whispered to himself. Then he hastily pulled out his phone. "I have lots of pictures of us, look!" He said as he shoved his phone into her hands after he sorted out his gallery to only show photos of him and her.

She took the phone and looked at the first picture. There were two people on it; a boy and a girl. Nya shortly looked up from the phone and looked at Jay before looking back at the picture. She recognized the boy to be him, although he didn't have any freckles, and his hair wasn't as crazy as it was now. But they did look very similar.

However, the girl with the black bob and bangs was not someone she'd know. She looked at him. "That's you?" She asked for confirmation.

Jay nodded as he pointed at his phone. "Yeah, and that is you!" He said.

Nya looked more closely at the picture before shaking her head, laughing. "That's not me, I have longer hair. And where's the mole, huh?"

"Well, this picture was taken a very long while ago, before we even started dating! Here, let me show you a more recent one!" He pulled his phone away from her and scrolled until he stopped and hastily gave her the phone back. "Look, this one was taken after we came back from the Island of the Keepers." After Nya looked at him questioningly, he continued to explain. "You know, when I was sacrificed to a huge, fake sea serpent we all thought was Wojira." He looked at her hopefully, only to realize she was showing no emotion at all.

His lip started to tremble as he tried so hard to keep his tears from rolling down. He had lost her, and now she was back with amnesia. So close yet so far.

Nya looked at him as she saw his eyes watering. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked.

"You really don't remember me?" He asked again, whispering because he was scared of letting out a cry.

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