Made With Love

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Alright, I had another story to post in my schedule but we👏🏻need👏🏻fluff!👏🏻😤

Did this turn out to be way longer than expected? Yes. Do I regret it? Hell nah, enjoy!

Nya never liked wrapping paper. Ever. It was too much work and it wasn't anything necessary in her opinion. People could just give other people their presents without all the annoying leftovers of the torn wrapping paper that would end up all over the place, right?

Well, her Yin had a different mindset. He loved wrapping paper, especially being able to rip it into tiny pieces.

And Nya knew this all too well, considering being together and living together with him for more than five years now.

As annoying as she found it, she needed it more than ever now.

She only had two days left.

Two days until Jay's birthday.

Yeah, the struggle was real. You see, Nya had been starting to plan on what to get her boyfriend around two months ago.

It was supposed to be a gigantic, blue teddy bear with a red heart in its hands in front of its chest. The heart was supposed to be openable, and whoever owned it could put whatever they wanted in it. Well, Nya would've wanted to put another small present inside, probably a new video game which she thought might interest him. And behind that other present would've been a small, probably white pillow with their initials and anniversary date sewn in with blue thread.

Nya had found the bear on a nice looking website. It said the bear needed to be customized due to it not being sold anymore, so she had ordered it two months before the event of Jay's birthday would take place.

'The perfect gift for the perfect person.'

Once Nya had read that description, she was immediately intrigued. And after inspecting the gift herself, she had realized it really was the perfect gift for Jay.

And so she had added it to her list and bought it. $249 wasn't a low sum, but surely worth making Jay happy.

Yeah, well, it wasn't worth it in the end. Not one bit. Why? Well, he never even got to see it.

Nya had just gotten a message from the company, stating that something went wrong in the shipping. After arguing with the company for about ten minutes, she gave up and was now looking for another present.

It was frustrating.

At least she could get her money back, as well as the shipping money.

But now she was genuinely caught off guard when she found out she needed something new to give Jay.

She had spent the entire day out shopping in Ninjago City. She hated shopping, but now it was the only thing she could think about.

But of course, she found nothing. And Nya was sure that she looked for everything; clothes, smaller things, etc.

She even thought about buying him a new toolbox, but then she remembered he had already bought himself one about a week ago, so that was done for.

It was easier so buy something than making something, that was something she was sure of. Of course she wanted to make something for him as well, but now that her timespan was shortened, she wasn't really convinced of making it in time.

Despite living together with five other men, Jay pretty much had everything he needed, she assumed. She would've loved to buy him some more of the body wash he always used, but he liked to keep it a secret because he knew she loved his smell. It hadn't frustrated her though, she was fine with him hiding it from her up until now.

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