Queen Of Hearts

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Ehehehe, let's get to the point. So I had an idea for this concept in my head for a while now, and that's also what I was going to write... but my writing has gotten out of hand and I literally wrote something that randomly popped up into my head *sigh*. And I was definitely not okay with dropping my other idea, so I made two versions. The beginning of version 2 is the same of version 1, so I'll mark the part when I start to write differently with ***. Enjoy!

Set right after the last episode of season 13, Master of the Mountain.

~ Version 1~

Nya walked up the plank while waving to the generous people of the kingdom of Shintaro before she stepped on deck of the fixed Bounty.

"This was exhausting. Right, Jay?" She smiled as she turned around, only to see her brother and Zane stepping on deck after her.

She frowned as she walked over to the railing and looked down at the plank. No one was walking up, so she looked through the crowd.

She could see Lloyd talking to Vania, and then found Cole talking to the 'Upply', as they liked to call their little group.

The Water Master saw a lot of Shintarians and Munces and Geckles chatting and laughing together. It was a great sight to see everyone getting along well now.

Nya leaned her underarms on the railing and watched as Lloyd was walking up the plank, waving back to the people.

"Hey sis, whatcha doin'?" Kai walked up next to her and copied her posture on the railing.

Nya shrugged. "Looking for Jay." She could've sworn she heard Kai groaning quietly next to her. "He didn't already get on board, did he?"

"I don't think so." He answered, now also looking for his sister's boyfriend. His eyes scanned the many people before he set his eyes on a piece of blue clothing and auburn hair. He pointed towards him. "There he is."

Nya followed his finger and set her eyes on her boyfriend as well. She smiled, however it faded once she realized who he was talking to.

Of course he was talking to her.

That was Nya's last straw.

She quickly walked up to Zane, who was talking to Master Wu, and yanked him away from the old man, startling both, and led him over to the railing.

"Nya, what are you-"

"I need you to listen in on what Jay and Murtessa are talking about and tell me, please." She told her robotic friend.

Zane raised his eyebrows at her before looking at his fellow ninja. He opened the latch on his arm and pushed some buttons. Suddenly, many people's voices came out of his arm. Zane quickly pushed some more buttons before only two voices could be heard; Jay and Murtessa's.

Nya smiled thankfully at Zane before directing her gaze back to her boyfriend. She listened in on what the two were talking about intently.

"I will miss you very much." Murtessa said through Zane's arm.

Nya clutched the railing tightly, digging her nails into the freshly painted wood. She could see the Munce queen holding Jay's hand with both of hers.

The Water Ninja could sense her boyfriend's discomfort a bit, however he still held her hand, and smiled at her.

"Uh, I'll, uh, miss you too, my queen."

Nya's entire body froze as she heard those words and watched as he kissed that woman's hand. It was when Murtessa pulled him into a bone crushing hug and him not pulling away, that Nya felt as though she saw enough.

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