An Entry For You

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This took off years of my life but it's finally done, just like my will to live. Just kidding, I'm just very happy this is finished.

I had already planned writing something like this with other intentions many months ago, but now that I've hit 100 followers, I thought: "Why not make this a 100 follower special?"

So yeah, thank you so much for everything you've done for me! And even if you're not following me, just thank you for being here and reading my works, I appreciate you all!

Okay, that's it, I hope you enjoy whatever this is!

Her eyes opened, her body tensed up. She looked around, her brown eyes darting everywhere as quickly as possible. Once she realized there was no immediate threat in sight, she sighed, sitting up. The covers slid down to her thighs as she looked around inside the four walls she called her personal home.

Something felt off, but she couldn't put her finger on it yet. It was way too early.

Then she frowned. How early was it exactly?

Her head turned to the right, expecting to see her alarm clock, only to be met with a folded piece of paper instead.

Humming in confusion, she leaned over to her nightstand and picked up the paper before relaxing back against her bed.

Her fingers swiftly unfolded the white, slightly yellow-turning sheet. Once her eyes were met with a handwriting she knew oh-so-well, she chuckled and read the contents out loud.

"Day One,

I honestly thought I would never write anything inside you ever again, or at least I had stuffed you to the back of my closet so that Cole and Zane wouldn't find you and make fun of me about you even existing. Though that was harsh, I have no regrets. You don't even have any feelings, BOOK!

Anyways, a lot has happened over the past few days, even weeks. The first thing to know is that we are four ninja now, not three. Yeah, some dude called Kai apparently wields the Sword of Fire, blah, blah, that's not why I am here."

Nya chuckled.

"He moved into the monastery with us, but with him came what I can only describe as an angel sent by the FSM. Since no one will ever read my entries, I will be as cheesy as I can get, don't judge me.

She is the most gorgeous human being I have ever set my eyes on. Her entire aura is just angelic. You have no idea how much I just want to shove my hand into her hair and touch it. I know that sounds weird but I bet her black hair is as soft as it looks.

Oh, right, I forgot to tell you her name. Nya. You didn't see it? Wait, let me capitalize every single letter of her three-letter name. NYA. Yes, just as angelic as she looks.

I'm honestly scared of getting attracted to her because her brother might kill me and feed me to our new dragons, but who knows? It might be worth it if I catch feelings.

Who am I kidding? I'd be a dead man.

But it's been a little less than a week since I've met her. Today was the day she moved in with me, so I set 'Day One' as the title for this entry.

I'll keep you updated on her, don't you worry. And don't you DARE get found by Kai.


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