Fake Smiles

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Hello there. I wanted to tell y'all that this oneshot is going to be focusing more on Nya alone than Jaya... There is some Jaya of course, but not as much as in my other stories. I hope that's okay. I've wanted to write this story for a while now and was kinda skeptical whether or not to post it. But here I am, posting it. Wohoo.

She woke up, feeling as if something wasn't right. She turned around to look at her alarm clock, squinting her eyes while trying to read the bright red, digital numbers.

11:47 am. What?

Did she just... wake up on her own?

She slowly sat upright, frowning to herself. Then she tried to listen for sounds, anything, but there was nothing. Something was up, she could feel it. Yawning quietly, she stretched her arms above her head.

She wasn't used to wake up on her own, no one really was. But in her case, she would either be woken up by stupid criminals with no decency of committing crime in the early morning, or the boys. They would usually be up at around nine o'clock, if there was no early sunrise exercise, and would just scream. Sometimes at each other, sometimes at a video game character, and most of the time at each other while playing video games. She was at a point where she didn't even bother anymore, she just accepted it.

However, waking up to no sounds whatsoever was suspicious. Very suspicious. Nya quickly got out of her bed and walked over to her closet. Opening it, she took out her casual gi and got dressed. After releasing her hair from her loose ponytail, the Water Elemental brushed it and tied it back into her ponytail, leaving out a few strands on the sides of her face as well as her bangs. She took one last look at her reflection in her mirror before marching out of her room.

Walking slowly to not make any floorboards creak, she listened carefully for anything. But when she heard literally nothing, she got more suspicious. Forming water around her fists, she made her way towards the living room. Once she was standing in front of the doors of it, she took one deep breath before storming inside, keeping a fighting stance. When she realized that no one was inside, she relaxed, but still frowned.

"Weird." She muttered to herself.

Then Nya thought about another room everyone might be in, that being the dining room attached to the kitchen. She stealthily walked up to it, and once she smelled something, something nice actually, she took a peek inside. Her eyes widened when she saw everyone sitting around the table, and Zane turning pancakes on the stove, wearing his pink apron he'd kept for such a long time now.

She lowered her guard and walked inside. Everyone's eyes turned towards her. "Good morning, Nya." Jay greeted.

Nya looked at him while walking up to her spot next to him. "Good morning." She said, trying so hard to suppress raising an eyebrow. She looked down to her plate. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Lloyd looked at her. "Oh, you deserved to get as much sleep as possible. You have been straining yourself for quite some time now." He smiled as he cut a slice of his pancakes and put it in his mouth.

That was true, she had been straining herself a lot recently, but it was still nothing new or extraordinary. Everyone has done it at least once, but no one got something like extra sleeping in privileges, so why would she?

"Thanks." She said, though she was still feeling suspicions. But she hid them well.

Zane came up from behind her with a stack of pancakes in his hands. "I have some more pancakes." He then put the plate down and put two pancakes onto Nya's table, to which she thanked him for. "Anyone else?"

"Me!" Cole put his hand in the air like a little child. "Zane, these are the best pancakes in the world, I love it when you cook." He smiled at his robotic, to which Zane returned the smile. Then Zane walked up to him and put some pancakes onto his plate.

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