Let Me Go

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He banged on the metal door as he tried his best to get it to open. He stepped away before throwing his entire body weight against it, hoping for it to open, with no success whatsoever.

He cursed loudly after what felt like the thousandth time of him repeating the same process over and over again without getting the door to even budge a bit.

He frantically looked around for a second door, an opening he could widen, a trapdoor in the ground, anything. But there was nothing.

Wiping the sweat droplets off of his forehead, he kicked the door before putting his shaking hand against the cold metal.

"Just hang on a little longer," he pleaded, on the verge of tears. "Please."


"Several attacks on different parts of Ninjago," Lloyd spoke through the intercoms. "Cole, Zane, get to Crypterium and help them stop a riot. Kai, you go to Stixx. Apparently some citizens have spotted Ronin... doing whatever Ronin does. Jay, Nya, you'll go to the Caves of Despair. Snakes were seen going in there but not coming out, I need you to investigate. Pix and I will go to Laughy's and catch some people who claim to be a part of the Sons of Garmadon, still. Good luck, and don't get killed yet."

"Wow, thanks, I appreciate your warning," Jay responded sarcastically.

"That wasn't a warning, it was a threat," Lloyd said after a short pause.

Jay quickly put on his gi before he rushed over to Nya's room. Before he had the chance to knock, the door flew open, revealing his girlfriend who was already dressed in her own gi.

"Come on," she exclaimed, taking his hand as she hastily dragged him into the elevator to the base.

They quickly entered the secret base and ran up to their vehicle bay. After giving each other only one look, they silently agreed on taking the Land Bounty, based on the fact that the Destiny's Bounty was already gone, and Cole had taken the Earth Drill, whereas Zane had taken his Ice Jet.

As they were on the road towards the Caves of Despair, they started a conversation. Well, Jay started complaining.

"I just don't get it," he began. "Why do they have to be in those caves? It's not like it isn't on the verge of collapsing any second!"

"They're probably just looking for something," Nya assumed as her eyes were glued onto the road ahead of them.

Jay groaned, leaning back into his seat. "Yeah, for the First Spinjitzu Master's bones, probably. Believe me, I've seen him, and it wasn't really a great sight." He felt his skin forming goosebumps because of the memories.

Nya hummed. "I don't know what they'd wanna do with skeletal remains."

"He's the First Spinjitzu Master!" Jay exclaimed, startling her slightly. "He's probably worth millions."

"Maybe," she thought out loud. "Do we know how many snakes are in there?"


"Great," Nya said sarcastically.

"We can't lose each other in there. If one of us gets lost, there's no way of safe return," Jay warned, gulping.

The Master of Water nodded before taking a sharp turn to the left, making Jay fall down from his seat.

She sighed, taking a look at her boyfriend who was now sitting on the ground while rubbing his head. "You really need to learn how to wear a seatbelt."

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