Sippy Cup

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Sighing, the Master of Water threw herself onto the bright orange couch. She was beyond exhausted, yet there was nothing she could really do about that.

"Everything okay back there?" she yelled over her shoulder, too tired to actually turn her head to look over to the kitchen doorway.

But then she heard a sudden, loud noise coming from behind her which made her flinch and turn around quickly to look for what was wrong.

All she could see was a pink sippy cup rolling out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"I'm fine!" her boyfriend, Jay, yelled quickly.

Nya contemplated on whether or not going to the kitchen to check up on him would be worth standing up and straining her already-strained muscles, but then decided against it when she cared about sitting on the couch more.

Jay was an adult, he could take care of himself.

"I said, I'M FINE!" Jay yelled again.

Never mind.

Nya rolled her eyes but still stood up to check up on her Yin who was obviously asking for her attention.

Once she stepped into the kitchen, her eyes immediately met Jay's who was sitting on the floor on his butt. She raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him what he was doing.

"I was trying to heat up the milk," Jay began, "I really did."


"But the microwave isn't working," he pouted. "I swear it hates me."

"The microwave?" Nya asked him.

Her boyfriend nodded with a heartbreaking look on his face.

"Okay," Nya nodded, taking in the information about the Jay-hating microwave. "That doesn't explain what you're doing on the floor, though."

"I tripped," Jay answered.

"On what?"

"Uhh," her boyfriend hesitated while looking past her.

Nya followed his gaze before whipping her head back to him. "Please don't tell me you tripped on that sippy cup."

Jay blinked. "Okay, I won't."

His Yang rubbed her forehead while trying to process everything. "Are you at least done with the milk?" she asked, hoping that was the case.

"I just told you the microwave isn't working," Jay pointed out.

Nya sighed, knowing he was right. She held her hand out and helped him stand up. When he did, he stretched before looking back at her.

"How's she?" he asked.

"She's asleep," she replied while walking up to the refrigerator.

"Let's hope it lasts for more than just twenty minutes this time," Jay sighed.

Nya pulled out a cold milk bottle and walked over to the microwave. She opened its door and put the milk inside before closing it again.

Jay watched what she was doing closely. "I just told you the microwave isn't wor-"


Nya turned around to look at her boyfriend. Since the microwave that had been claimed to be broken was now heating up the milk inside, she wanted to know why Jay was incapable of using it.

"I swear it wasn't working!" Jay quickly defended himself, putting his hands up in the air innocently.

Too tired to argue, Nya sighed and turned back to the microwave and waited until it binged open.

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