That Time Again

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It was a Monday morning, around 11 am to be specific. The monastery was quiet. That was because the boys went out to the arcade in the early morning to play a new video game which was released earlier that day. Nya decided to not go with them for two reasons: she wanted to sleep well enough and didn't care about video games as much as all of the boys did.

However, she did not expect to wake up earlier than she wanted to. The boys were already gone when she felt a painful sting in her lower stomach.

'You have got to be kidding me!' She thought while being woken up by the pain. She hadn't anticipated her period to come two weeks earlier than expected.

After she spent about fifteen minutes in the bathroom, she walked into the medical room of the monastery. Even though she looked everywhere, she couldn't find paracetamol. Her pain grew harder as she gave up on searching and walked into the kitchen.

She took out the hot water bottle from the upper shelf and put it into the microwave to actually make it hot.

Her plan didn't go that well, however. She was waiting for the bottle to heat up, not paying attention on how she set the settings on the microwave. She was on her phone, scrolling through Ninstagram, when she was suddenly startled by an explosion. She looked over to the microwave which was completely destroyed. The hot water bottle was ripped into pieces.

'Oh great!' She was done in the kitchen and also with her nerves. 'They'll take care of that, hopefully.' She thought to herself.

Her condition worsened with every minute that passed by. She was a very strong woman, could master any rival, but still got defeated by her own body once a month. Yes, she hated that, but there was nothing she could do about it.

She would usually have the worst kind of pain on the first day. That's why she always took paracetamol to relieve the pain, and the hot water bottle for extra support.

The others had always respected her when it was that time. Although they never knew what it felt like, they could see it was horrible for her and emphasized with her. They always tried their best to help her, it hurt them to see her hurt.

This time however, she did not have anything to make the pain go away.

She walked towards the living room and carefully sat down on the couch. There was a big blanket already on the couch, which made her smile. She took it and crouched up on the edge.

Her pain worsened again. This time she couldn't take it anymore and started to cry.

The blanket was covering her entire body except for her head. She was holding her stomach under it and went on with crying. There was just nothing else she could do.

"Nya? Are you alright?" a voice came up from behind her. It was a voice she was never tired of hearing.

She stopped crying and tried to hide it, but that was too late now.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked in the sweetest voice he could muster. He sat right next to her crouched body and put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked at him, her face covered in tear stains with bags under her eyes. "It hurts." She let out before turning back around.

"What happened? What hurts?" Jay was scared, hoping it wasn't too severe.

She did not answer which made him think again. "Is it that time again?" He asked slowly, knowing it was a very sensitive topic for her. She slowly nodded, still not looking at him.

"But wasn't it here like two weeks ago?" He was confused about the female body.

"It came earlier than e-expected." She quietly let out through gritted teeth, trying to keep her calm and not start to be a crying mess.

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