Sick Day - Jay Edition

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This is basically a part 2 of my previous story, but can be read individually as well. Enjoy!

(Quick recap: Nya was sick and in the end, Nya and Jay snuggled up in her bed and fell asleep.)

Jay woke up to the unbearable sound of someone coughing. What he wasn't aware of, though, was that the coughs were coming out of his lungs. He tried to sit upright, but realized that something, someone, was weighing him down. He looked down to his chest to see his girlfriend happily snuggling against him, with him having an arm wrapped around her.

The sight of her cute sleeping face made him smile widely. Then he looked at his surroundings. He was obviously in Nya's room. What time was it? He looked at the alarm clock on her nightstand.

07:52 pm.

He started to cough again. This time, he managed to cough into his elbow like his mother had taught him as a little child. After he was done, he quickly looked at Nya, hoping he didn't wake her up. He let out a sigh of relief when he realized she was sleeping like a rock.

Then, he only had to managed to get out of bed without waking her up. He needed to pee after all. So, he slowly took her hand which was wrapped around his torso and put it on her side. Then he slowly pulled away his arm from her back and leaned forwards, holding her head with both of his hands, placing it on the pillow underneath carefully. After that, he fully got off the bed and pulled the covers over her. He was relieved to see her still asleep.

While he was walking out the door, he had another cough attack. He made his way towards the shared bathroom and just as he wanted to open it, he realized it was already in use.

"Who's in there?" He asked while knocking on the door.

He could hear the water running in there. "It's me! Give me five minutes!" Cole screamed, hoping Jay could hear him through the shower.

Jay sighed, before screaming back. "Please hurry!"

He leaned against the wall right next to the door of the bathroom and slowly slid down, feeling his body getting weaker and weaker. Jay's head was pounding, making him put his head into his knees.

Those five minutes felt like multiple hours, though it was about ten minutes minimum.

The bathroom door opened with a little creak and out came Cole with his lower area wrapped in a white towel, his hair wet. As he walked out, he looked at Jay who was still crouched on the floor. It didn't seem like he realized that Cole was out of the bathroom.

"Hey Jay?" Cole asked, carefully kneeling beside his friend.

At that, Jay lifted his head to look at him. It took a few seconds for his eyes to focus on his best friend. He generally looked tired, although he had slept just a few minutes ago.

"Dude, you look terrible." Cole commented.

"Thanks, captain obvious!" Jay remarked sarcastically.

Cole lifted his hand up to Jay's forehead and pulled it away again quickly, gasping. "Jay, you're burning. I know I should've told you not to sleep next to Nya."

Jay got alarmed. "You- you came into the room?!" He slightly felt his cheeks heating up.

Cole chuckled. "Yeah, we wanted to check on Nya but saw you two sleeping together."


"Yes, we. As in Zane, Kai, Lloyd and me."

"Kai saw that?!" Jay panicked.

"Relax, he seemed fine with it." Cole reassured him. "Now, no matter how cute that looked, I don't think that was a good idea."

Cole stood up and extended an arm out to Jay who sloppily took it and tried to stand up. After being on two feet again, Jay looked at his friend. "Cole, I'm not feeling too good." Then he started to gag, which alarmed Cole immediately. He led Jay into the bathroom just in time before Jay broke down and started to throw up into the toilet bowl.

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