Not A Mistake

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It was a cold winter evening, even some thick blankets couldn't help but keep her cold. With the heaters being out, and Zane still desperately trying to fix them for three hours now, Nya made herself comfy in her bed.

There weren't any villains magically appearing recently, so training was reduced a bit. That was probably why she wasn't showing any signs of tiredness yet.

She herself didn't know what to do. The others were probably already asleep, she assumed. Everyone but Zane. However, she just couldn't sleep.

So she had made herself some popcorn, pressed the play button on one of her favorite Disney movies 'Brave' on her flatscreen TV in her room and just started to enjoy herself in the mess that was her blankets around her... everywhere, actually.

She inwardly congratulated herself on convincing Wu to let her install a TV in her room because come on, that was the best idea she could've had!

Around halfway through the movie, she couldn't help but feel something was off. But she was too invested in the movie and shrugged it off as her subconscious mind telling her weird, untrue things again. It did happen quite often, really, so it wasn't anything she listened to that much.

Right at the part where Merida was trying to hide her bear-y mother, Nya paused. Toilet break. She moved her way out of her room towards the bathroom, the female bathroom. Something she also cheered herself for for suggesting it.

On her way back however, she heard some weird noises. Noises which couldn't have been counted as her subconscious anymore, that was for sure. She quietly followed the dull noises towards one of the bedroom doors. It was the door of the one and only Blue Ninja, her Yin. Before knocking, she wanted to listen to the noises more closely and try to figure out what they were. She put her ear flush against the door and just listened. After a short while of complete silence, she could hear a faint sob.

Her worries increased, but she tried her best to not show it in her face. She knocked twice and waited, but no one answered. The sobbing also came to a halt. He must've heard the knock and gone in full-on quiet mode. After she heard no response whatsoever, she decided to follow a different strategy, the open strategy. "It's me, can I come in?" She asked sweetly.

Then she heard some shuffling from the other side and in a matter of seconds, the door opened to reveal a rather okay looking boy.

"Come in, Milady." He stepped to the side and swayed his arm in the direction of his room, allowing her to come in which she gladly did. After she walked in, he closed the door. "What's up?" He asked... cheerfully?

She looked at her surroundings. His room was all in all very clean, although the underwear on his room plant wasn't something she wanted to see. Her gaze landed on his bed. It was very messy, his bedsheets and blanket all over the place. Mr Cuddlywomp was on the edge of his bed, almost falling down as it seemed.

"Oh, nothing... I just wanted to come and say hi." She paused. "So... hi!" She waved her hand awkwardly in his direction.

Jay did the same gesture, though he couldn't hide his suspiciousness. "Heeeeeey, so why are you here?" He asked again, definitely not believing her earlier statement.

She sighed defeatedly. "Are you okay?" She asked, unable to hide her worries.

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Nya stepped closer to him, taking his hands in the process. "When I was on my way back from the bathroom, I heard someone crying... and those sounds were coming from your room."

Jay sighed. "I'm fine, don't worry." He told her sweetly.

She didn't buy that.

So she let go of one of his hands, stepped a little bit closer, and started to go through his messy locks with her fingers, inspecting them while untangling and re-tangling them. "You know you can talk to me if there's something bothering you." She murmured softly, still playing with his hair.

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