The Peanut Butter To Her Jelly

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{This was totally inspired by Victorious, but I just had to write this. Enjoy!}

"Everybody, FREEZE!" a voice suddenly yelled as the person slammed the door to the dining room open, causing everyone to stop eating and look over at them.

There, panting heavily, was Dareth. He was clutching the doorway with one hand as his other hand was resting on his knee. It was quite clear for everyone that he had to have run all the way up the stairs to the monastery.

Lloyd slowly broke out of his freezing position as he lowered his spoon that was full of ABC soup and cleared his throat. "Dareth, what can we do for you?"

"You did not answer my calls!" Dareth accused, pointing a finger at him.

The Green Ninja furrowed his eyebrows. Then he shrugged. "I would've called you back when I had time."

"Well, what were you doing that was obviously more important than me?" Dareth asked, crossing his arms above his chest.

"Didn't know you two were together now," Nya commented as she raised her eyebrows and looked away from everyone while taking a sip of her black coffee.

That caused Jay to snort next to her, but he quickly covered it up by shoving his spoon into his mouth.

Lloyd glared at her. "You're so funny," he said sarcastically.

"You love me, really," she smirked at him as she leaned back into her chair.

Her friend rolled his eyes at her before looking back at their unexpected guest. "What's up, Dareth?"

"You would've known if you answered my calls," Dareth sighed dramatically. "But since I've graced you with my presence, I want to tell you that you guys have to come to Laughy's tomorrow."

"And why's that?" Kai asked, slurping up his soup.

"Can't you come and visit your family?"

"We're not family," Cole said as he was putting more salt into his soup.

Dareth gasped, a hand on his heart for the dramatic effect. "Cole Lewis Brookstone, how dare you say such things?!"

"That's not my middle name," Cole mentioned before he stuffed his mouth with the soup (which was over-salted, really).

Dareth scoffed. "Yes, it is." When he saw Cole's glare, he decided to drop the subject. "So, are you guys coming, then?"

"Will you leave us alone if we say 'yes'?" Kai asked, annoyed.

Dareth nodded.

"Then yes," the Fire Ninja added.

"You're amazing!" Dareth exclaimed before he stormed out again.

The ninja went back to eating in comfortable silence, but not before hearing a quiet 'I know' from Kai.

~ the next day ~

"Why did we come here again?" Kai asked as he got out of the Land Bounty.

"Because you couldn't keep your mouth shut," Cole answered, walking past him while patting his shoulder.

"Let's just go in," Lloyd sighed.

Jay chuckled at all of their behavior as he walked over to the other side of the vehicle and grabbed Nya's hand right after she got out.

She smiled up at him, interlocking their fingers and squeezing his hand. They entered Laughy's together, leaving the others strolling behind them.

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