Perfume (Part 2)

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Jay quickly tried to run up to Nya to hold her, but failed as he realized his shackles held him back. "Nya!" He screamed.

The room got foggier with every second passing, but something was strange. Jay sniffed the scent, but he didn't recognize it as perfume. Sure, he hadn't sniffed the smell of perfume in a very long time, mainly because he was around Nya a lot and he didn't see the point, but he could clarify this as not perfume.

"What is going on?" He heard his Yang ask in confusion.

"Nya? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. He looked around, but couldn't see her due to the fog.

"Yeah, it's just that-"


"Nya? Nya, are you there? NYA?!" After Jay heard some type of thing falling onto the ground, his worries grew bigger. "NYA!" He shouted. After he didn't get a reply, he feared the worst.

He tried to look around, but still couldn't see anything. Only a few seconds later, he heard more, he assumed, bodies hit the ground.

"G-Guys?" His voice started to shake as he didn't get a response. Jay didn't know what to do, he could neither see nor help. But suddenly, all he could see was black.

Back in the present.

"Where are Jay and Nya?!" Kai's voice sounded numb, but furious at the same time. "Answer me!" However, the guard kept his mouth shut.

"Alright, we get it, you won't tell us what happened to them. But please, WHY ARE WE IN HERE WITH RONIN?!" Cole couldn't take Ronin's presence anymore.

Zane thought for a bit. "I would suppose that Ultra Violet only used him to find our weakness. That being Nya's health. But how did they even get you to work with them against us?" He turned towards him, just like the others in the cage.

Ronin put his hands in the air while talking. "Look, buddy. I was promised a good amount of money I just couldn't not accept."

"SO YOU LET THEM KNOW ABOUT MY SISTER'S ALLERGY, ONLY TO GET MONEY?!" Kai was obviously furious. He could feel his elemental power heating up his entire body, basically begging for him to burst out.

Just as Ronin wanted to defend himself, the monitor suddenly flashed back on. However, they could see that the Commissioner was gone. The chair was also gone. Instead, there were two separate cages standing next to each other in a distance. The Ninja could see that in one of them, there was Nya and Jay was in the other one. They were handcuffed to the bars, unable to move. But they were both still unconscious.

"NYA!" Kai shouted.

"JAY!" Cole shouted right after, but both of them did not react.

"They cannot hear you!" The guard said with a grin on his face.

"Wow, so now you're able to talk." Lloyd said sarcastically, crossing his arms.

They kept watching the screen, when they saw Jay move his head a bit. He was waking up. The Ninja weren't able to talk to them, but could hear everything that was going on at their place.

Jay's eyes looked at his surroundings, trying to figure out where he was. But his eyes shot open, when he realized that he was in a cage and Nya was right in front of him, facing him.

"Nya!" He shouted her name, but didn't get an answer. Her body did not even move. 'Is she...- No, Jay, don't think that!' He thought. "Nya! Can you hear me?!" He tried to break free, but couldn't whatsoever. After trying to use his powers to electrocute the lock, he realized he was still wearing his vengestone handcuffs.

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