Pinky Promise

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Hi! This oneshot was requested by @AroAceGoose. Thank you so much for your request, and I hope you like what I did with your idea. Enjoy!

"Whenever I look at you, it always reminds me to use condoms. Thank you, sis."

Nya slowly turned her gaze away from the television screen to look at her brother. While she was sitting on the couch with her feet up on the coffee table, he was sitting against the pool table on a barstool. He grinned innocently at her before he took a sip of his energy drink.

"Was that comment really necessary?" Nya asked lowly.

Kai looked down, thinking. Then he looked back up at her and nodded his head rapidly.

Nya sighed. It had been like that for the past few months. Instead of shaming her or being mad at her, Kai kept telling her about how much seeing her growing belly was like a perfect example to always use contraceptive methods in his own relationship. Of course he was just joking around, but Nya did feel like slapping him whenever he opened his mouth.

"Why did it have to be you?" Nya muttered under her breath as she turned back to the TV.

"What was that?" Kai asked her, only hearing incoherent mumbling. He did have an idea on what it might've been, though.

"They could've sent you to the mission as well," his sister said. Knowing what her brother was going to answer, she continued. "I mean, I can still look after myself, you know? I don't need babysitting."

Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "You see, sis," he began as he got up from the barstool and walked up to her. He plopped himself down next to her and slung an arm around her shoulders. "As much as I want to disagree... Well, I'm going to disagree. Your due date is any day now and we can't all go on a mission when you could plop that peanut out any second."

Nya groaned, her head falling back. "That's in, like, two weeks. And stop calling him peanut."

"You know I won't," her brother replied, looking down at her belly before giving it a poke. "That lil' bugger better come out soon, I want to meet him already."

"You're starting to sound like a creep," Nya said, swatting his finger away from her stomach. "Why couldn't Jay be here?" she then whined quietly.

Kai put on a smirk as he leaned against the couch and closed his eyes. "You do know that your hubby is needed in a mission that involves a crazy mechanic threatening to shut down all the power of Ninjago, right?"

Nya gave him a side glance while a scowl decorated her lips. "Don't say 'hubby', it's a weird word."

Then she instinctively glanced down at her left hand that was resting on her belly. She sighed, looking at her ring finger that was currently lacking a ring.

Ever since she had hit the second trimester, her fingers and feet started to become swollen to the point of her not being able to wear her wedding ring anymore. It was a shame, really.

Jay had proposed to her a little over a year ago, and the wedding was soon after. It was a small gathering of their closest friends and families, and they chose to have their monastery's courtyard as the venue.

Little did they all know that Nya was already pregnant while she was holding Jay's hand at the altar.

And now, almost nine months later, baby Walker was close to leave its little nest it had grown in Nya's womb.

Nya had been, of course, forbidden to have anything to do with fighting, whether it was participating in missions, in training sessions, or in personal workouts.

And even though she felt like killing all of them in their sleep to go to the training room, she was understanding enough to let them live.

For now.

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