Silent Rebellion

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For years and years the misfits and the outcast of society have had a kind of silent rebellion; barely noticed by society but effective none the less. As the years have passed society has become a little more accepting but one thing is still the same, once a misfit or outcast always a misfit or outcast. But what if the misfits and outcasts make the silent rebellion more noticed; not so silent anymore. Society wants everyone to be a certain way, like certain things and act a certain way. But not anymore. More misfits and outcasts from all over the world should stand up and tell society to f off because it shouldn't matter how someone dresses, the music they listen too, their friends or what the do. It should be their personality not everything else.


Hi hi everyone! I hope you are all doing good. Its a short one about people who just follow what society wants to be. I will be making a second book about this faceless character I have myself through my chapters. The character is going to be called her and I'm making it her because in a way it can be seen as one person who constantly changes for people and doesn't know herself or who she truly is. I plan to try summitting it to wattpad and see if anything will come from it. So if you want to read that I will be hopefully posting it soon but if you don't I will still be posting them here too.

I hope everyone is doing good

Until We Meet Again


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