What did she do wrong

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What did she do wrong

and he do right

What did she do wrong

for her to be yelled at for something that wasn't her fault

and him to be thanked for doing it

What did she do to deserve it

to deserve being torn down

for something out of her control

and him to be praised for doing it

What did she do that was so infuriating

to almost get her slapped

for something that was not her responsibility

and him to get a hug 

for what was suppose to be his responsibility

What did she do that was so villainous

for her to be treated as less them him

and him to be treated godly

like he was better than her in every way

What did she do that was untrustworthy

for her to have her stuff searched

and him to be trustworthy

when all the evidence points to him

What did she do to be disrespected

for saying how she felt

and him to get more respected

for causing her so many problems

What did she do that was problematic 

for her to have to suffer through pain for weeks

and him to be so unproblematic

for him to get a tiny scratch and it be the end of his life

What did she do that was disastrous

to have her stuff thrown out 

and him to be that fortunate

to be the one to destroy her stuff

What is she doing so wrong

and he doing so right


Hello everyone. It's been a while since I last updated something to go with this story, if you can even call it that. This one took me longer than I thought it would, but it is longer than some of my other ones. This one was brought on after my mom through out hundreds of dollars worth of my art supplies, which I bought all of them, because my nephew pushed them off my bed and then let the dogs in to chew on them. But sadly it does not stop with just my art supplies, he took an album which I spent months trying to find and took everything out of it, I do have everything now thankfully, but he also took another one of my albums and bent one of the photo cards; they where both NCT 127 albums. I did the only logical thing and started telling my nephew that he couldn't do that because it wasn't his stuff but then my mom comes in and starts yelling at me. Like honestly what the hell did she want me to do I could barely walk and I trusted that the stuff on my bed, in my room would be save from my nephew. Which my nephew is 5 and knows better than to get into other people's stuff so why I got in trouble for it I don't know. 

All the stuff I have to go through because of my nephew honestly makes me want to run away and never come back.

Anyways away from that rant, how is everyone?

Got any music suggestions? Shows? Movies? Games?

I'll take anything at this point, it hurts me to much to walk and the pain is only getting worse.

Hope everyone is good.

Peace Out Wild One's

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