Her Ocean

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Her heart in the depths of the ocean

Hidden in the deep depths

Where no light breaks through

Left in cold solitude

Protecting the heart like a treasure

With its deep lightless depths

It's creatures lurking in the shadows

And it's prodigious size

With waves to push people back to shore

Someone takes her hand

Leading her to the ocean hand in hand

Walking with her to her heart

Making precious memories

Helping warm her heart and bring it towards the light

Her heart will not go to her

But to them like its last salvation

Hoping this time to be kept like a treasure

Not thrown back to the ocean like trash


Hi guys. I might rant a little in this so you dont have to read it if you dont want too. Wish I could say things are going but they arent. It might sound bad to say about my parents but right now if it wasnt for the fact that when I turn 18 I dont want to pay the money for my back and hips to get better I would most likely runaway. Trust me I know its bad to say but my mom refuses to text the doctors on her app to get my medicines a new prescription because she just doesnt have the time when she comes home around 3 or 4 and talks to her boyfriend till she goes to sleep around 10. She expects me to get my nephew off the bus, watch him till he has to go to sleep and make sure he eats and gets a bath while making sure I do the dishes because she just cant, taking out all of the trash and checking the mail. She doesnt even give me time off when Im in pain or Im sick because Im stressing myself out so much to make sure she doesnt come into my room and yell at me because I forgot to do something. I havent really told many people this because my mom told me not too but for almost a year now my stomach condition has been acting up really bad and especially this past week because I have an appointment for my back and hips coming up and my headaches have been coming back with it. And my dad isnt of any help because he just cares about his new family. My mom also doesnt know if she will even be able to get off work for my next appointment even tho it was scheduled before she got this job. I have been having a lot of mental break downs over all of this lately and I have kind of been taking it out by bleaching my hair so I can do some crazy color and I cant decided between a neon orange or a neon yellowy green color.

Anyways I hope you are all doing good.

Until We Meet Again


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