Trust Issues

14 1 4

I am not one to trust easily. There are a lot of people like this in the world.

People all have different reasons not to trust. But one thing most have in common is they don't want to get hurt, they are scared to.

There are different reasons for this. One could be they have been hurt before and don't want to be hurt again. Another one could be they have seen what it is like for someone to break another persons trust and now they are too scared to trust. Or they could have a really bad past where the only person they could trust was themselves and they still don't trust anyone, even though it's all in the past.

For people who have trust issues getting their trust should be cherished and not taken for granted because once you lose it you are never getting it back.


Hi, I'm back with one of my old writings. I have one more writing from my original journal and then I only have my current journal, which I found two writings in from months ago on random pages in the journal. I forgot about them and one is only partly finished so I might just erase it. *Slight warning* I have been 2 months clean from self-harm, which is a new record for me. I'm hopefully on my road to recovery

How is everyone doing?

I hope everyone is doing good!

Peace Out Wild One's

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