Happily Ever After (Not)

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Happily every after. That is what every childhood movie taught us. If we lived through a few months of pain and sadness a prince will come and save you.

But not in the world we live in today. Our world is full of wars and lairs.

How can anyone live happily ever after with people lying and even more people dying in a meaningless wars for power.

In today's world happily ever after is the biggest lie of all, because everyone lies. Everyone lies and that brakes peoples trust in other people, so happily ever after is some bullshit because it will never happen. People are too greedy. Too mean. Too hatful. Too unaccepting. To closed-minding for happily ever after to happen.


So I have lost hope in love and in a fit of sadness that my parents are now divorced I wrote this. I had a hard time believing in the comcept of love before my parents got a divorce but now that they are divorced and I can see that the love they once held for each other has turned into hate for each other I don't believe in love anymore. I know this is sounds sad but I'm becoming a better person without my controlling father around and I'm having more fun as a teen.

How's everyone doing?
Hope y'all are all good.

Peace Out Wild One's

I'm going to start doing this on my computer so my writings will start to look more like this.

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