Her Regret

9 1 7

She loves
and forgive
like the blink of eye

This often breaks her heart
it shatters into pieces
scattered across the floor in front of her

It leaves her numb
like she's hollow
an empty emotionless shell

And no matter how much pain
how much suffering
how much heart break a person causes her
she will forgive them
without a second though
because she loves them

But it's her loving and forgiving nature
that causes so much of her problems
and has caused her to become stone cold towards people
it's for that reason that she regrets her nature the most

Hello everyone. I'm a little late on the update for last week but here it is and I'm already in the process of writing something new for this week so I won't have to use something I wrote months ago but never posted. My schedule might be a little off because I started school last week and I won't have wifi till tomorrow.

How's everyone doing?
How's school going if you've started?

If I made a tiktok where I read these out loud for you would you watch it or would it kind of be a waste of my time?

Hope everyone is doing ok
Peace Out Wild One's

My mindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora