Broken Girl

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I know a girl who is broken.

When people ask if she is "okay" she says "she's fine".

She just wants someone to look her in the eyes and say "I know you're not okay. I know you're struggling and I'm here to tell you it's okay to not be okay. I'm always going to be there for you". Then hug her like she was going to slip away at any moment.

But no one does. They see her fake smile and fake happiness and they think she's fine.

But she's not. She's depressed. She is constantly fighting to stay alive. She is constantly trying to stay above water or as she knows it away from her demons.

She thinks she's a shardered mirror in a room full of perfect mirrors.

She feels stuck in time.

She is hollow and numb inside.

And all she wants to do is make her mom happy for once in her life.

But she never can because according to her mother she is useless and worthless and will never be as good as her sisters.

This girl just wants to give up.

But she doesn't because her friend and her have a deal.

They will not let the other person stop fighting till they get through it.

And for that she is thankful.


I wrote this but I won't say who I wrote it for because she is the only one who gets to know who its about. Though I will tell you she is a friend of mine. I know she will never see this though if she ever does, I hope she changes her ways and makes herself happy and not others.

Peacw out Wild One's ✌

My mindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon