Can't Save Myself ~ As It Is

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We all at some point in our lives breakdown. We crumble to the floor crying our eyes out. We curl up in a ball, on the floor crying, because everything in our lives is stacked up against us.

We just want someone to talk to when this happens, but we are to scared to tell anyone, because we either don't trust them, don't want their judgement or care to I much to pull them into our spirling hole of darkness. So instead we lay there curled up in a ball, on the floor, crying our eyes out. Because at least like this we think nothing does can be stacked against us.



So I wrote this like not even 5 minutes ago but thought since I wrote this while having a mental breakdown/still am having one. I would post this in light of my parents and sister not giving a fuck that I was just outside crying for an hour with my pig who fucking hates me just to come inside and cry some more.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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