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People are all in someway judgemental. They judge people for how they are dressed, how they act, the music taste, who they hang out with and a lot more.

Why? Why is it that people have to judge other people so much? Can't a person live how they want and not be judged for it?

People already judge themselves for every little thing they do. Why they need other people to point it out to them and judge them for it?

Is it to much to ask from society to just accept a person for who they are and not who you thing they should be?

Society has a cruel way of telling people what they think is not right. Society would be a better place if people just accept other people for who they are.



Hi its been awhile. I have been preparing for a fair for about 2 months now. The fair has past.

I really hope people take into consideration when they go to judge people that maybe that person doesn't need judgement but rather a hug and someone to say it's all going to be okay.

Please don't judge people. Life is better that way.

How are you? Are you okay? Is everything good?

I hope so. I'll try to update this soon.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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