My Way ~ Andy Black

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We all have some sort of social media account. Some of us won't care about how many followers we have but the majority will.

The people that care about how many followers they have will most likely follow every trend just to make themselves more popular. They will do everything like every other person and not their own way.

They should do stuff their own way and not how others do it. They should do what they believe in, even if it means standing alone and losing followers.

They don't understnad they will be more successful if they are their own person, who makes their own decisions and don't base it on what others have said or have to say.

Do things your own way, even if it means standing alone while doing it. Do what you believe in and don't let what people think stop you ever. Keep going. Keep being your own person.



I really wish someone told me this a few years ago because I would do all the different popular trends to get popular when I really just wanted to wanted to wear black pants, a band shirt, conver that where not white and a bandanna around my head to keep my hair out of the way. But I wanted popularity but I realized that because people didn't like my open opinion on them I wasn't going to be so I started being who I really was a socially awkward person who loves alternative music.

I hope you be yourself and always stay true to yourself.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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