Fearing Death

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All of our lives we have been told to fear death. 

Why is that?

Is it because life is just one beautiful lie we all live and death is the painful truth is that is?

We all fear death but death could be the truth and life the lie. We all live to die but still fear death.

Life is just a lie we tell ourselves to make us feel better. Life is something we use to distract from the truth of dead. From the moment we are brought into this world life is slowly leaking from our bodies making dead come closer and closer.

Death is the truth most people fear; most people don't accept it. We all face death at one point. It is something that can't be stopped or escaped from. It is something that we all should accept will happen one day.


Hi hi, I'm back with another update. I'm finally back to updating and writing again but I'm slowly running out of writings to post so it might go back to whenever I write something new soon. Don't worry though my medications have me writing again because I don't want to return to what happened back in April, but it's really been hitting me hard and it scares me. I feel like I will return back to that like I have so many times before, I'll hold out as long as I can.

Anyways what I wrote is more me just questioning why people have a fear for it. I think if you can accept it and just do what you want you can live a somewhat happy life.

What do you think about?

I hope everyone is doing good and staying healthy

Until We Meet Again

                     ~Joy (I'm going to start using this name, it's my first middle name and my sister calls me it all the time so I'm use to hearing it and I like it better than my first name and aj)

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