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Everyone wants something in live. Some want equality, some want justice and some want to be noticed.

I want freedom. To be free of people telling me what to do every second of everyday. To be free to tell my story, without judgment and backlash. To be free from the shackles of my life. To be free to be myself.

Today's world says they are trying for freedom but they really aren't. People still judge other people for stupid shit. People who have trauma aren't free to talk about it because there are people who blame the person talking about their trauma, whether they could have stopped it from happening or not.

Today's world doesn't have freedom for all, just for those who are socially acceptable. That is not freedom and never will be.


There are so many things to want in society and yet I just want freedom. It would be nice to have it but I don't think it will ever happen but I can hope none the less.

If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?

Should I write about my past for y'all to see what as caused me to be the way I am today?

Or should I leave it a mystery and just let y'all grow with me without knowing the trauma of my past?

Peace Out Wild One's

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