Goodbye to the Old Me

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Goodbye to the old me

The mentally controlled me

The blindly loving me

The way too caring me

Goodbye to the naive me

The too trusting me

The pushover me

The too helpful me

Goodbye to the quite me

The secret keeping me

The people pleasure me

The opinion holder me

Goodbye to the follower me

The not outspoken me

The picture perfect me

The rule abiding me

Goodbye to the blissfully ignorant me

The childish me

The never sticking up for myself me

The reclusive me

Goodbye to the self-cautious me

The never enough me

The always forgotten me

The stuck in my sisters shadow me

Welcome to the new me


Guess who's free from the people who brought the most negativity into her life? It's me and my mom. My mom has been a lot better since my sister isn't around and it's very relaxed. Sending my father his phone back with the 2 letters was very hard for me because I was scared my father and sisters who start getting mad with my mom since they can still talk to them. As have my knowledge they have not contact my mom and aside from the letter they haven't contact me either. I'm glad they have listened to it, even though I know my sister stalks my insta.

**All of this was wrote back in September of last year. I didn't realize I never posted this. I've seen my father more than once since I wrote this, I didn't talk to him and kept with what I said about not talking to him. My sister and I have decided we are dead to each other. If you so wish I can share screenshots of our conversation.**

Hope everyone is doing good and can get the negativity out of their life.

Until We Meet Again


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