My Oceans Were Lakes ~ As It Is

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We are all told that if something is wrong with us to tell someone. So we tell someone when we start getting mentally unstable.

But most of the time they will do nothing.

You will slowly break and become more and more mentally unstable.

The people around you that you trust and love just watch as you break and do nothing about it.

Then once you are long past the breaking point, to the point of no return, everyone you loved, trusted and thought were going to be there for you finally decide to help you.

But what they dont know is they waited too long to help you.

You are broken to no return. You no longer trust the. And there is nothing any body can do to help you.


So today I got news that I might have to start sharing a room with my sister and her friend. And well by now you get the idea of the type of music I listen too. Well my sister and her friend liaten to pop, k-pop and country music and have informed me that if we do end up sharing a room majority rules and I can't listen to music out lound. And they listen to music while going to sleep and Sleep with a light on. Me on the other hand like to sleep in complete darkness and quite. Lets just say this will never work.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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