Letter to my Sister

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Dear Alice,

           Honestly you shouldn't be shocked by this. I know both of us know we have been pulling away from each other and after what you said last time just made it all the more clear to me.

          At this point you should already know we will never be the same again. You made very insensitive comments and then tried to play them off as a joke. If you truly do not understand why I acted like I did then it just shows you don't know me. You made a joke about a harmful stereotype and used me to prove your point. You have treated me like Chelsey us to treat you time and time again. I'm not going to keep quiet anymore.

         I'm going to kindly ask you too not contact me. I will contact you when and if I'm ready too. I truly do hope you not telling the full truth has got you were you wanted.




Oop-. I just had to call my sister out in her letter. It's fitting for her since she is only living with my dad for his money and I know if I told him he wouldn't believe me. She became a very shitty person and I can't take having contact with her because of this. Chelsey is my oldest sister and treated Alice like complete shit when they were younger. I'm sad I didn't realize sooner how she was treating me.

Forgot to post sorry 😭 also I'm back to using my phone cause I have a different account signed in on my laptop.

*I will post another either tonight or tomorrow*
Might also work on that other book I teased but never published

Until We Meet Again


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