Hold On Till May ~ Pierce The Veil

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Before you start this chapter I would like to say a WARNING ON THIS CHAPTER. I talk about self-harming. If you don't want to read it then skip it.

People who self-harm aren't all attention seekers. Some of them do it because they feel like the blade is the only thing that understands and cares.

I know you probably don't believe me but take it from someone who has self- harmed. I felt like no one cared, no one loved me. During this time my family was trying to change me into a pink loving princess basically. And the whole time I just want someone to notice my constant limp from the wounds on my hips. I wanted someone to tell me to stop. To tell me they cared enough to stay without changing me. To tell me to look at myself in the mirror and say you are beautiful without causing yourself harm. To stay and tell me things were going to be okay.

But no one ever did and it hurt even more. I know I should have told someone but I couldn't. It would just be something else for my family to use against me.



If you read that I'm thankful it was hard for me to right and post it but I did. I just you all to know I did stop. I have been 5 months clean this month. Though I have times when I really want to cut I don't I can't do that to my self any more.

Just know if you need help you can always talk to me or anyone else. Don't go through self-harming. It may feel right at the time but it's not the right way to get out all the pain.

Peace Out Wild One's ✌

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