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A loving family
Something she has never known in her life

Her family being toxic for as long as she can remember
Always more worried about themselves than her
Using her to do their bidding
Not knowing they were losing her as she slipped through their grasp
Until she made a leap to her freedom leaving them behind

She went searching for a new family
She found who she thought was a loving family
But they were the same as the last
Using her to their benefit and keeping her is an iron grasp
And like the last she leaped to her freedom

She was lost not knowing what a loving family looked like
She felt lonely and scared for the first time

Until a shining light cam through her darkness
It open her eyes to what a normal relationship was meant to be
It helped her and she helped it
And though they have yet to met in person
He shining light is the closest thing she has to family


Hello everyone! I hope you are all good. As you can see by reading this I'm not doing so good with my family or friends I thought where family but I do have one person. And I know people may say that it doesn't count because we haven't met in person and we have only seen pictures of each other but I don't care they are always there to help me when I need it and I do the same for them, so to me they are the closest to family.

Do you have anyone you count as family that isn't blood related?

I hope everyone is doing good

Until We Meet Again

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