She's Not Okay (I'm Not Okay by MCR)

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This is a warning before you read this chapter. It may trigger some people. It does talk about self-harm. So this is your only warning for this chapter. Hope you like it.

She sits in her bed at night
Crying into her pillow
Trying not to take a razor
To her already scared skin

Her mind
Wanting to see the same scene again
The horrid scene
Where she does the unthinkable
Taking the razor across her skin
Watching the blood flow down her wrists
To the floor where it stays

She sits on the floor
Looking at the mess
Her mind
Somehow convinced her
She needed to do

It's  yet another few scars
To add to the other's she has


So I started this again. I know it's not good and I shouldn't do it but I feel I need the punishment and I don't know why. I know it's a problem of mine to resort to this when things get bad but I don't know what else to do.

Please note that if you ever want to do this or go further you can always talk to me.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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