To Whom This May Concern

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Now to whom this may concern

I'm done with your shit

Done with your control

Going to start speaking for myself

Stop letting you walk all over me

Choosing everything for myself

Doesn't matter what you may think

Keep saying "don't dare, don't even go there"

Pissing you off for not doing as I'm told

I go as far as I want

Picking everything I want

Pick who I talk too

If it bothers you so much go sit in your little c

Or better yet just forget I even exist

You've done this yourself

Picked your own grave

Didn't think of the aftermath though

I'm not letting you get out of this grave 

I'm not that nice anymore

My attitude you don't like anymore and me are going to be living our best life


Hi hi everyone. It's been a hot minute but I swear I'm still here. Here is this that I wrote after seeing my sister for the first time in almost a year. I decided to finally finish it this week because my father is officially blocked one everything and has had harassment charges threatened  if her messages or talks to me, sad I have to go this far just for some peace from him.

On a good note though, I had another nerve block down and it's working amazingly and I've started physical therapy. I go every monday and tho it's hard and not always the most painless thing it'll be worth it when I'm given the all clear.

I hope everyone is doign good!!

Until We Meet Again


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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