Her Mother

12 1 8

She's useless

but she does too much

She's stupid

but she's too smart

She's a burden

but she never asks for much

She's her biggest mistake

but what would she do without her

This said to her face with such vulgarity

from the person who brought her into this hateful world

She wishes for it to all stop

but her mom is relentless and keeps going

She weighs too much

but she's so small she looks sick

She's dressing to revealing

but she's not showing enough skin

She's too young

but she's old enough to take care of herself

She's not pretty enough

but she's too pretty

She doesn't express her emotions enough

but she's too emotional

She can do everything in the world

but will just never be good enough


Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing good. I'm doing ok, if you don't count my mother. I found out there is nothing wrong with my hips and they are just hurting because of my spine and the doctors have a plan to fix it already. That's also like the only good thing I have going for me right now. I got my first job 3 weeks ago which is why it has taken me a while to update my book. The job is ok, it's not that bad but its also not that good. I have also had one of my friends from school contacting me and she found out I like kpop and have albums and photo cards and other things from groups I like and she keeps insulting them and me about it. She also keeps saying that it will put me in a mental hospital. It was bad enough with her but my mom is agreeing with her and they bring that up every chance they get. It's gotten so bad I had a breakdown over it yesterday.

Anyways how are you?

Any new music, shows or movies you like?

Until We Meet Again


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