not a part

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Hi, I hope everyone is good.

I'm sorry to say but I'm going to be taking a break from writing for a while, I don't know how long yet. Recently my hips have been getting worse and now there is pain in my lower back and tingling in my feet. I went to the emergency room today but they did and said the same thing has every other doctor but they did say I should go to a neurologist. So because of this I'm going to be taking a break to see what is happening. I have lived with the pain for almost 2 years now and no one knows why. I will be back, whether is be after they figure out what's wrong or not, I will back.

I hope everyone is good with my decision to step back. If you want to talk to me you can also message me on her or discord (which is the same username).
I wish everyone to be in good health while I'm not here.

Until Next Time

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